Kasautii Zindagii Kay 6th February 2020 Written Update | Kasautii Zindagii Kay Episodes Updates


Kasautii Zindagii Kay 6th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Star Plus Show “Kasautii Zindagii Kay 6-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Anurag gifts engagement dress to Prerna

Airing Date: 6 February 2020

Full Written Update: 6-February-2020 Kasautii Zindagii Kay Episode Start with Viraj comes to Prerna house and gives her new articles of clothing for responsibility and says today we didn’t pick at mall so mother sent these pieces of clothing. Veena says I know how you endeavored to get the blameworthy party, she sees his injured hand and asks him what happened.

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Viraj says I skipped while hustling to get Jagga and I’m sorry auntie I didn’t got him. Veena says okay. Viraj says I’m promising you auntie u won’t let anything happens to Prerna and none can get in touch with you after our marriage, Prerna. Likewise, that is the explanation I organized CCTV and security at my home. .

Veena says thank you and Prerna smiles. He leaves. Komolika asks Debu did you give Anurag his solutions. He answers yes. She thinks to state Debu changed medicine if she anytime got. Prerna reminsces strip mall minutes seeing wedding ring. She gets shocked seeing Anurag and reminsces their past. Anurag says I understand you’re worried over ring that is the explanation I came here. Moreover, he aplies cream to ring finger and endeavors to empty it yet It won’t turn out.

Anurag says I won’t let you face any mortifying condition in your responsibility until than keep this ring with you and tomorrow I will bring another course of action. Prerna thinks why Anurag isn’t reviewing that anything. Anurag makes Servant packs such countless presents for Prerna. Mohini found a decent pace from debu and says Anurag has gigantic heart to support others.

Komolika says you both advised me about Prerna plans and I won’t let anyone get my significant other from me. Nivedita says nothing will happen as such. Komolika says I’m going so I can control if something terrible happens and goes. Shivani ensures Prerna that Anurag will recover his memory and asks where is wedding ring. Prerna gives her ring on finger.

Shivani says I’m talking about other ring for administration. Anurag lands at Prerna’s dedication work with a presents for herand he gives dress for Prerna to Veena. Prerna says why all of a sudden Anurag memory improvement is stopped. Shivani says don’t let your trust on your reverence break, promises her Anurag will recoup his memory. Prerna thinks I trust so. Veena asks Anurag to give dress gift to Prerna. One elderly person meets Anurag in his way and says first time when I met you I mentioned that you marry Prerna. Anurag says than what I. She says you married her and now you’re wedding her again.

Anurag gets jumbled and Veena sends Dadi away and asks Anurag to leave Dadi words since she for the most part unite particular situation. He agrees. Prerna checks her light. Anurag supports her and gets slight shock. Prerna manages his hand. Anurag asks Shivani is expressing you consider my appearance how.

Prerna says because of my heart. Anurag favors her dress and says I don’t have the foggiest thought how to remove this ring. Komolika goes into the room and says you came here without me and this marriage is my idea so I should be a bit of each help. Anurag says you’re resting that is the explanation.

Komolika says we share room and bed so I will know when you leave. Anurag goes out to help Veena. Komolika says Anurag is mine and explodes watching the ring in Prerna Finger and asks her who offered it to her.

Prerna says Anurag makes me wear it and he didn’t have any colleague with it will struck and I wish If I didn’t asks chunri on our large day he will be with me. Komolika says that is the explanation I’m a significant piece of his life as a mate. Prerna says he esteems me not you and love is significant tendency you can’t grasp and feeling will rise more when you endeavored to stop them.

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