Kumkum Bhagya 1st November 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Kumkum Bhagya 1st November 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kumkum Bhagya

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 1, November, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Kumkum Bhagya November 1st, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Gaurav coming to Pragya and meet her external the PS. Pragya says you have sent the video in that erase after when view design deliberately. Gaurav says I thought to see your pompous face. She says you got everything, why don’t you give the video. He says you was rebuffed, yet not Abhi. He says he had beaten me and my sibling. He says I am not Aaliya and Tanu, I am Gaurav Thappar, I never fall flat and lose. Pragya says you didn’t overcome, as I was in rush to show video to Inspector, and take Abhi home. She says she has crushed him and his dad, and some more. She tells that a spouse can take Durga’s symbol, she takes her symbol and kills the wrongs who eyes her kumkum. She says you needed to demolish money manager Pragya, however this time you are standing infront of Mrs. Pragya mehra. She says she will get her better half liberated from court with deference and will take him home right infront of you. Gaurav thinks in the event that she will do this, or is feigning. He figures how she will win from me.
Pragya goes to the workplace and gets some print outs. She look through certain papers in the documents and gets some information. She meets Santosh Jain.

Following day, the Inspector won’t allow Pragya to meet Abhi, and says opportunity has arrived to go to court. Pragya says assuming you need any guiltless person to get rebuffed. Investigator says you can proceed to meet him for 2 mins. Investigator lets Constable know that a spouse will get a possibility. Abhi asks what she needs to do? He says he heard her conversing with Inspector. He says I will be imprisoned and worker for hire will give wrong explanation against me. He says before I will be taking there, I need to let you know something. He says I came in your home with the aim to inconvenience you, yet couldn’t do this. She asks would you like to say something. Abhi says when cockroaches came in your home, I figured it will stall out with you. Pragya asks what else. Abhi says I recently thought, yet can’t do anything against you. He says she can call him snake in sleeve and so forth Pragya says you don’t need me to meet you. He says when I will get imprisoned, how might I serve the discipline without seeing your face. Constable comes there and says I came to indict you. Pragya says I needed to ask you something. Abhi emerges from lock up and embraces her. Reviewer and other constable additionally comes there and request that he come.

Pragya shows Santosh’s pic to him and asks did you see him there? Abhi says this person was there as well. Pragya calls Gaurav. He says he planned to enlist the papers endorsed by her. He asks who will deal with you after Abhi goes to prison, your accomplice and so on Pragya says I need you to come to court for hearing, it will be intriguing for you, it will be entertaining. She closes the call. Gaurav gets stressed and calls Contractor. Project worker asks him for 10 lakhs rs. Gaurav says I will move in your record. Pragya arrives at court and thinks this time, you have screwed with Mrs. Pragya Mehra, and it will demonstrate exorbitant for you. Prachi awakens and calls Ranbir, says it is 10 am. Ranbir comes there and requests that she eat first. Prachi says you have show and requests that he go. He says I will cause you to eat with my hand and brought your cherished breakfast. She says I will eat, you go. He says you would prefer not to eat with my hand, I will go. She says don’t blow up, I will eat. She eats it and asks did you make food? He says I went to get blossoms for you, yet shops were shut. He says then I thought to make breakfast for you. Prachi calls him close to her, and says you are the best spouse, I am the most fortunate young lady. She says I realize you didn’t rest all life and was situated close by.

Ranbir says I can see anything, yet can’t see you in torment. at the point when you are glad, I feel that all is well, and my life halted, in the event that you get unwell. He says I won’t ever adore anybody. Prachi says if he intends to cherish somebody. He says no. Prachi says she simply needs him to be hers and takes a gander at him. Ranbir says I am yours consistently. Sid comes there and requests that Prachi have hot sheera. Ranbir asks Prachi, on the off chance that she requested him and asks from where did you divide us? Rhea comes there and says Siddharth haven’t made tea for me till now and made Sheera for her, not terrible. Prachi says he realizes how to make sheera, yet don’t have the foggiest idea how to make tea. Prachi takes sheera from Sid and says thanks to him. Ranbir asks how could you realize that Sheera will bring down the fever? Sid says whenever I had gone to your leased home and was unwell. He says Prachi had made sheera for me, and furthermore educated me. Ranbir asks when? Prachi says you was not at home that time. Sid says I figured out how to make sheera from her. Rhea grins. Ranbir looks annoyed, as Prachi and Sid do hifive. Ranbir says I will make kada for you. Prachi says this sheera is sufficient. Ranbir demands and goes. Prachi inquires as to whether he needs Sheera. He says no. She says I won’t give.

Abhi is brought to the court and figures Pragya haven’t came to work now. Aaliya inquires as to whether he is fine? Tanu says you will be liberated today. Abhi asks how? Tanu says I trust the law. Reviewer requests that Aaliya and Tanu move from that point, and says just his better half is permitted. Tanu says she needs to converse with him. Monitor requests that they sit. Tanu tells Aaliya that Gaurav didn’t call since Pragya marked the papers. Gaurav comes there and sits, tells that he don’t sell out the ones who are with them. He thinks where is Pragya, where did she follow welcoming me here. Judge comes there. Indictment attorney Anmol Malik requests that Abhi go to the observer box and tells about the allegation on him, that Abhi requested to break the divider, it fell and brought about 6 individuals’ dead. Safeguard attorney tells that he didn’t provide any request to break the divider. Arraignment legal counselor says Contractor Subhash told that Abhi had provided him orders. Subhash goes to the observer box and tells about himself first. He says he had gone to the site, I let him know that the workplace side can fall in the event that they break the divider, however he requested me to break it, as he needed daylight in his office. Abhi says he is lying. Worker for hire lies and says he was neither worried for his office and that destitute individuals. Abhi says I requested that he fortify the divider, and not to break it. Indictment objects him. Guard legal advisor says my customer has full right to tell.

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