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By TellyExpert: “Kundali Bhagya 11th January 2022 Written Episode Updates”
Tv Show Name: Kundali Bhagya
Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)
Telecath Days: Morday To Friday
Air Date: 11,January, 2022
Country: India
Language: Hindi
Today’s Content: Kundali Bhagya January 11th, 2022 Written Update Episode Start with. Triumph Naagre lets Preeta know that he had given the plan to Prithvi to take as much time as is needed, yet he will not uncover the plan to anybody. He tells that he will indeed give a similar plan to Prithvi and grab Luthras’ property. Prithvi grins cheerfully. Afterward, Preeta fools Prithvi and Naagre well. Naagre worriedly cautions Prithvi that Preeta has chosen to get the Luthras business and property on her name, she is in her full power zone and will toss out Prithvi by hauling his foundations out of the Luthra manor. Prithvi asks Naagre not to caution him, and on second thought give him an answer. He needs some method for handling Preeta’s turn. What will Prithvi do now? Continue to peruse.
Prithvi rapidly tears the legitimate papers. Preeta tells that Prithvi has gone distraught, even this arrangement of papers aren’t unique. She shows something new to Prithvi and Naagre. She requests that they get drained tearing the duplicates. She chuckles on Naagre who thought she is inept as Prithvi. She tells that she realizes Prithvi and Naagre’s excursion in the prison. She is adequately astute to ensure the first reports. Naagre tells that he can demonstrate Prithvi as the house proprietor even presently.
He advises that he will make the new papers to demonstrate Prithvi as the proprietor. He requests that Preeta gather her sacks and leave inside 24 hours. He compromises Preeta. He tells that he is truly risky, he can contacts with large crooks, he can get her killed whenever. Prithvi feels pleased with his criminal legal advisor. What will be Preeta’s answer to this? How long will Karan simply remain as a faker and watch the dramatization? Continue to peruse.
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