Kundali Bhagya 31 March 2021 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya

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By TellyExpert: “Kundali Bhagya 31 March 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Kundali Bhagya

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 31, March, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Kundali Bhagya March 31, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Sameer coming says that he would uphold Shristhi in her arrangement without thinking about that Preeta is remaining behind him, he applies shading all over, they at that point understand that they are in good company, Preeta inquires as to for what reason do they figure Prithvi would take the glass of Bhang from their hands as he is dubious of her activities, Shristhi asks what does she mean on the grounds that Prithvi is frantically enamored with her, Shristhi at that point uncovers she would be the one to offer the glass. Shristhi and Sameer see Prithvi with Kritika, she inquires as to whether he would not make a difference tone on the substance of his better half, he consents to her solicitation at that point takes the tone, Shrishti coming to them welcomes Kritika.

she alongside Preeta embrace her, Prithvi immediately wishes Preeta, Shristhi at that point inquires as to whether it would not get him high when he says that it is Bhang and assuming the Bhang doesnot get him high, why bother, he encourages them to drink it, Prithvi consents to drink just on the off chance that Preeta je gives him the glass, she concurs taking it is going to drink it when Sherlin coming stops him saying that Kritika has the principal directly on the glass anyway when she is going to drink it Sameer drops it which enrages him and he leaves, Sameer likewise follows him, he messages Shristhi to make another glass of the Bhang which she shows to Preeta, Sherlin understands that there is an off-base thing in their tone. Hemand is irate with his better half, when she asks, he says that she is very much aware of then asks what because the need to concur with Rakhi when she was saying that his mom in their school days was truly frank.

She answers that she was simply satisfying a custom, Hemand answers that it was a result of this, he encouraged his mom to not send her with him since she will in general fail to remember her connection due to the convention, she attempts to prevail upon him saying they are visitors, Hemand specifies that she can likewise gesture her head on the off chance that she dissents, however how might she do it since she is truly inept, Rakhi comes saying that she brought colors for them in light of the fact that Holi isn’t praised without the tones, Astha clarifies that the Shugun of Holi is with the tiki of rose, Rakhi is intrigued with the lessons of her relative, she applies the tone to Hemand yet he begins clarifying how his eyes hurt when Rakhi calls Ganesh yet Hemand says that he will wash the tones.

Prithvi inquires as to why he demolished his shoes and what is the justification giggling, Sameer makes reference to that he ought to get it done himself which enrages Prithvi who requests that Sameer leave the room, Kritika coming inside hands Prithvi the present referencing that they ought not battle, Sameer inquires as to why she brought the present for him since she should hit him with them, Kritika attempts to quiet them down then requests that Prithvi accompany her as they ought to commend the Holi. Kritika leaves and Prithvi kicks the shoes, anyway Sameer encourages him to play Holi and not football. Rakhi is with Astha and Hemand, she encourages Astha to meet with Karan while she helps Hemand wash his face, Astha sees that Preeta is halted by a visitor so recollects Rakhi saying that she is a physiotherapist, she readies a thali anyway when she turns Shrishti takes Preeta with her.

Shristhi after arriving at the corner uncovers she has carried dispense of Bhang with her and they would constrain Prithvi to have the glass as really at that time would he uncover his arrangements, Preeta orders Shristhi to blend four of the circles as two would not have any impact on him, they set up the glass and Preeta requests Prithvi to have the main glass from the evening anyway when Prithvi is going to drink it, Astha stops and takes the glass, Preeta clarifies that it is the glass of Prithvi and she should offer it to him anyway Astha says that she needs to converse with her asking that she go to the corner. Preeta leaves with Astha, she says that Preeta is a physiotherapist who has assumed the liability of helping other people yet when she is attempting to make somebody drink Bhang without the individual knowing, she can’t permit her.

Preeta clarifies that she realizes Astha has not seen what’s going on in the house since she doesnot Prithvi, he is actually an awful individual and has violated a many individuals and has even said that he would wed Kritika yet it is to additional his own plan, Astha prompts Preeta should cause Prithvi to have the Bhang in a room so regardless of whether he gains out of power they all can contain him, Preeta concurs, she turns around asking the name, after hearing Astha she makes reference to that prithvi would likewise not take it very much like that and she should attempt to have an opposition among Karan and Prithvi as then he would be compelled to drink it, Karan additionally comes asking what are they arranging, Astha welcomes Karan, he likewise requests about her wellbeing, Karan consents to have a test with Prithvi.

Karan alongside Preeta, Shristhi and Sameer go to Prithvi, Shristhi says that she doesnot feel Prithvi would have the option to have the Bhang rivalry with karan, Prithvi stands to leave saying that he is tired, Astha comes shouting that she has lost the bet, Prithvi gets some information about the bet, she uncovers that she had a wagered with Preeta about who might win the opposition, Preeta took the side of Karan while she said that Prithvi would unquestionably win anyway he has retreated even before the opposition making her lose the bet, so Preeta has won, Prithvi anyway won’t acknowledge rout saying that she has put down her bet on the ideal individual and he isn’t among the individuals who are crushed

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