Luv Kush 4th February 2020 Written Update | Luv Kush Episodes Updates


Luv Kush 4th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Luv Kush 4-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Ram praises Lav and Kush’s determination

Airing Date: 4 February 2020

Full Written Update: 4-February-2020 Luv Kush Episode Start with the man asking Lav and Kush to return to their ashram now. Lav asks wouldn’t you agree such Ram’s world is lacking without Sita. The man says Ram is everything for us, yet you don’t have the foggiest thought regarding that Ram has surrendered Sita, he never conveyed wish to recuperate her.

Also Read: Luv Kush 3rd February 2020 Written Update

Kush gets some data about the women in Rajya, shouldn’t something be said about their respect. The man says we don’t attack women, everyone expect their occupations, if everyone fulfills their commitments, there isn’t at all like insult, the Rajya is doing worthy without Sita, you both will go from here and this issue will similarly go, think about it. The people go. Lav and Kush demand that they stop. They cry and see Ram.

They go to the market. They are sad. Kush says they aren’t checking out us, we have issues toward every way. Lav says don’t pressure, I m sure that we will get another course. They see a couple of individuals fighting. He goes to see. The man rebuffs the lady for making awful pots. Lav and Kush go to see. The man demands that they leave, they would lean toward not to hear Ramayana. Lav says we have found you focused and came to see. The man asks will I repel or respect the lady for her oversight, the women make the pots and we sell it, my loved one has made such terrible pots that none needs to get it. The man says its genuine, this is a horrible model for all women.

The lady says its unfeasible to make same pots reliably, we are in like manner individuals, we can in like manner do bungles, it doesn’t suggest that we aren’t doing our capacity splendidly or got sluggish. The man says look at their strength, they need to match us, its not disregard, anyway their mood. The man says this is an immediate aftereffect of you, you engaged the women by saying about Sita.

Kush says they didn’t negate you, they are just communicating their issue, they are offering a reaction, don’t they have this right. Lav says don’t charge them, there can be some other clarification, did you endeavor to find about the soil, or perhaps the buyers are blaming the women to set aside cash. The man says this can’t happen, the ladies are confining for no usage, we improve pots than them. Kush sees the pots. He says I found a way. He demands that the men make the better pots and show. The man says we agree. The lady signs no. Kush approaches are you arranged for the test.

The men start giggling. The lady can’t. Lav says you can fight for your respect, my mum tells that if you don’t respect yourself and your work, by then who will do it. The lady says fine, we are furthermore arranged for the test. The man says fine, if they lose, we will make them out of our lives and homes until the finish of time. The lady can’t. Lav encourages her to show her aptitudes. He says everyone works, it doesn’t depend upon whether you are a man or a woman. The ladies state we recognize.

Kush says like you decided for the women’s mistake, the standard recommends to you, you have to apologize to the women if you miss the mark, you have to give them equal status in your lives and homes, which you would have done beforehand. The man agrees. Kush says both the social affairs are readied, we need someone to condemn this test. The lady says more established Kaka can do this, he isn’t uneven to anyone. Kaushalya asks what’s going on with they. The guard says Lav and Kush are encouraging the women to battle with men in the ceramic making. Hammer says they don’t lose intensity, they by and large stun us.

He praises Lav and Kush. Everyone smiles. Hammer says after so much happened, they didn’t leave the fight for women respect, they are so far keeping the assurance, I wish for their success. Kaka tells the models of the test and explains the three test alters. He says the individual who makes the best pots in less time will win. They all starting the test. They serenade Ram’s name.

Kaka demands that they remember water for flawless total and warmth the earth at right temperature, by then the pots can be used for a significant time allotment. Both the gatherings make pots. Lav and Kush stress seeing the women getting deferred in the endeavor. The ladies start crying. Kush says we have taken a significant task, if the ladies lose, their sureness will break, it will be hard to help their assurance. The man laughs on the women. He says we can see who is better.

Also Read: Luv Kush 31st January 2020 Written Update


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