Manmohini 29th January 2020 Written Update | Manmohini Episodes Updates


Manmohini 29th January 2020 Written Episode Update, Zee Tv Show “Manmohini 29-01-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: ..

Airing Date: 29 January 2020

Read More: Manmohini 28th January 2020 Written Update

Full Written Update: 29-January-2020 Manmohini Episode Start with Amar stoops before Sunanda and offers that he has been not ready to hold up under Shiv’s powers, and his fondness for Ananya. He needs to kill Shiv. Sunanda says she needs to see what she can do. Amar leaves. Jalebi alerts Sunanda to be careful, an astonishing Amar will be wild. Sunanda says she thinks about the manner in which that Amar can never have a spot with her. Shiv will execute Amar and that will go Shiv to an evil presence.

Ananya addresses Shiv that she couldn’t care less for Amar’s direct. Shiv takes an assurance from Ananya that Amar is his kin, she will never raise hell with Amar. Amar advocates Ananya before him. Shiv leaves to washroom. Ananya opens the passage and finds Sunanda outside. Sunanda says it felt Ananya needed her help. Ananya was upset and grasps Sunanda. She says Shiv isn’t set up to hear anything about Amar. Sunanda proposes about movement instead of words. She should design something for convey Amar’s reality to Shiv.

Around night time, Ananya thinks about how she can address Shiv. She audits Sunanda urged her to talk at the ideal time and in right condition. She decides to take sustenance for Shiv.

Sunanda goes to the room. Jalebi asks what game Sunanda has been playing with Amar and Ananya. Sunanda explains through the cards. She says Ananya is Queen and is basic to the play, Amar is Joker who may do whatever Sunanda says. He is proposed to stay between Shiv (A card) and Ananya (Q).

Ananya brings the sustenance plate and pounds at the portal. She glances through the window that Shiv is napping. She decides not to agitate him during his rest.

Sunanda says she can’t let Ananya and Shiv get as close as to expedite any deterrent in her dreams. Neither would she have the option to hold up under their division. Ananya and Joker both need to spend on one day since when Shiv is Mann, he is only a favored delegate of death. The day he kills them, Sunanda will get what she has held on for recent years. She will be the Queen of dim powers and will run the world.

The next morning, Jalebi stirs Mohini. She says that as of late, the family fears her since; she needs to appreciate. This time, Mishra ji moves her spread. He offers gloves for her fragile hands. Sunanda mumbles to Jalebi that once in a while you are powerless about specific people. Mishra ji leaves, singing a song. Sunanda and Jalebi chuckle together in bliss.

In the kitchen, Ananya plans breakfast for Shiv. She sees Shiv was going out. She finishes up Shiv ought to listen to her, else she will continue to address him in his office. Amar figures he ought to achieve something and endeavor the situation.

Ketki was dozing and stirs in fear. Amar was in her room and stuffs her mouth shut. He says it’s an incredible chance to tie a bundle. Ketki denies as she simply cherishes Shiv. Amar says he is excited about Ananya. Ketki doesn’t get a handle on his hand of cooperation and solicits the puzzle from the night they had been hurt. Amar thinks Ketki isn’t Ananya and won’t venerate Shiv after she would know Shiv’s reality. He says it was just a fight among him and Shiv over Ananya. Rekha watches them through the window and wonders what’s new with her daughter.

Amma ji was gravely shivering and calls Rekha towards herself. Rekha was concerned that Amma ji has fever. Sunanda comes outside and winks at Jalebi that she will convey all her past requital. She comes to Amma ji and hits the move floor with her saree’s pallu. Amma ji was frightened, as Sunanda mocks Amma ji calling her as witch. Amma ji unearths the hall. Sunanda acknowledges the circumstance.

Kamal comes to Amma ji. She shows Kamal the mosquito eats and whimpers that Sunanda doesn’t impeccable the house well. Kamal alarms envision a situation where Sunanda hears this, and the witch leaves her. Ketki and Amar hear this. Ketki proposes about enrolling the mosquito sprinkle gathering and takes money from Amma ji. Kamal leaves for shop.

A lady in cover goes to Shiv’s room. Shiv offers her a seat while he was busy with a mail. The concealed lady endeavors to hold his hand and walks around his side of the table. Shiv was careful and encourages her to stay away, he is hitched and past a sensible uncertainty venerates his significant other. Ananya now clears her shroud and asks with respect to why Shiv doesn’t communicate this to the life partner by then. They grasp each other, sharing a respectable smile.

Ananya sits on the table. Shiv sees everyone’s look. Ananya says she needs to address him about Amar and its critical. Shiv looks towards the portal and finds Amar on the path. Amar approaches Ananya in case she looked for whimpering about him. He says he uncovered to Ananya that Shiv and Ananya have no future together. Shiv loses the grip on Ananya’s hand.

Read More: Manmohini 27th January 2020 Written Update


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