Meet 14th July 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Meet 14th July 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Meet

Timings On TV: All times are on the 14th July (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 14th July 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Meet 14th July 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Barfi devi says OK he is notable individual he have some familiarity with burglary and till now he should have data about the young lady, you might feel awful yet your girl is terrible sign, she left her better half and staying here, on the off chance that she gets hitched to my child, terrible sign will come to me as well and I just need to track down the arrangement, assuming you need I’ll converse with pandit or, in all likelihood I’ll leave. Babita expresses converse with your pandit. Barfi Devi calls Pandit and get some information about the arrangement. Pandit says loosing your gold while going to talk for relationship us a terrible sign, the arrangement is on the off chance that you get twofold the gold you lost from in regulation’s, you can be liberated from awful sign. Barkhi devi says this isn’t great. Pandit says this is the main arrangement. Barkhi says alright hungup I’ll see. Ragini thinks I’ll give these bangle for answer for time being. Manjari tells Devi pandit let the arrangement know when there is a terrible sign consider the possibility that nothing has occurred. Barkhi askw ho are you. Manjari coincidentally find table and desserts tumbled down. Manjari get them and keep it on table says I’m Manjari from Baroda. Barfi ask what is it that you need to say. Manjari get some information about her gems and enlighten data regarding her jewelry. Barfi get some information about accessory. Manjari says I found same sort of accessory when I was in market and I believe it’s your and in the event that it’s yours you can take it. Barkhi says bring that accessory I’ll see. Meet Ahlawat thinks how Manjari got her accessory. Barfi thinks about her craftiness move to bring in cash, we should find out what neckband she got. Manjari shoe her neckband. Barkhi says this seems to be mine and request that she show, she see the neckband says do you think me ediot it’s phony and toss it. Manjari says OK it’s equivalent like your story. Ragini ask what do you mean. Manjari says she let us know that somebody took her accessory while she was coming and in news they are educating the report concerning the way that it’s nearby because of precipitation and individuals need to reroute to come to Chandigarh and on the off chance that this is correct, she should have additionally followed a similar way and afterward how is it that someone could take her neckband. Meet Ahlawat ask her are you certain. Manjari says you can mind web. Barfi says I acknowledge that It was my error for telling the correct way however for what reason is this young lady addressing me a great deal and all of you will simply tune in. She tells Manjari this is what your folks showed you, how to act with senior or you guardians were like you. Smash shares with Barfi I am sorry for her sake . Barfi stop him and ask Manjari who are you, my child never let em about you know your connection with this house and ask every individual what her identity is. Meet Ahlawat says she isn’t anything, her face matches my better half’s face that is the reason she is here, my significant other left my family, my father was connected to my wufe however when she left my father’s condition got most horrendously awful that is the reason she is here so father recuperate soon. Barfi says so she is leased spouse and tells everybody in my home we discuss connection to relatives not outcasts so we will talk further when will take off from the house. Masum strolls to Manjari says you are very toughness so atleast for Isha go from here today. Babita ask to Masum this isn’t the manner by which you converse with individuals and request that Manjari leave for at some point. Meet Ahlawat strolls to Manjari hold her hand and remove her. Manjari tells him quit taking out reasons to contact me or, in all likelihood I’ll leave from here. Meet Ahlawat says you reserve no privilege to in the middle of between go in your room. Manjari says I will not go, she is making you dolt and you are express yes to her for everything. Meet Ahlawat says we will deal with. Manjari says father guaranteed me to remain here. Meet Ahlawat says he vowed to his little girl in regulation not Manjari and you are still here, don’t you understand she is having issue from you. Manjari says she is having issue since I’m discrediting her. Meet Ahlawat expresses pay attention to me cautiously you are not genuine girl in law of this house so quit making connection and go in your room. Manjari says for father I’m genuine and he requested that I stay with everybody and she is lier she is off-base.
Barfi shares with everybody so in your home you keep leased individuals, I will be your new family member and she called me liar infront of everybody, all of you were simply looking it’s better I ought to leave. Barfi toss the sweet box infront of everybody and begin leaving.

Ragini and Ram beseech her to stop. Barfi says she called me liar infront of everybody, it’s my shortcoming that I came here for my child connection. Ragini stop her express stand by listening to me, she give her bangles says take them it’s more expensive then your neckband, this will act as arrangement given by your pandit and will eradicate terrible sign as well, my Isha love Deep a ton. Barfi says I can comprehend your aggravation since I’m likewise a mother that is the reason I came to your home for my Deep’s connection, I know everything disappear after marriage and after that he will have liability of everything, kids your little girl and so on, I have made my child proficient enough many individuals are in pipeline to arrive little girl wed to Deep and prepared to give vehicle, land and there girl are wonderful, so give me one explanation my child ought to wed your little girl. Slam says we can give you anything what you need if it’s not too much trouble, acknowledge this connection. Barfi thinks seeing others defenseless cause me to feel blissful and fun is the point at which you beseech you and give you expensive gift. Barfi tells them listen truth is that I could do without your little girl yet I’ll think on your deal. Ragini request that she take bangle. Barfi take them says I’ll converse with my pandit and get the data, presently rest we will talk later. Profound strolls to them says here are your medication and ask her for what valid reason are you out we should head inside. Barfi says we previously talked what we need now we can go. Profound shares with his mother let me proceed to meet Isha when I’m here. Barfi says you ah e previously seen her a ton now we will meet solely after marriage and request that he go. Beoth if them. Ragini says to Ram now all will be great.

Meet Ahlawat, Babita and Manjari in Raj’s room. Raj ask what happen everything went fine, for what reason didn’t you bring sweet. Smash bring sweet for Raj says she acknowledged Isha and circulate sweet to everybody. Raj says at long last Isha and Deep will get hitched and he salute everybody. Ragini says Barfi told she will converse with her pandit for future custom.

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Tellyexpert Meet 14th July 2022

Meet 14th July 2022 updates

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