Mere Sai 16th March 2020 Written Update

Mere Sai Written Update

Mere Sai 16th March 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Mere Sai 16-03-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Shashidhar’s Suspicious Behavior

Airing Date: 16 March 2020

Full Written Update: 16-March-2020 Mere Sai Episode Start with

Sai approaches Jahnvi for what reason did she leave her pre-adult in his lap while she never recognizes anyone with respect to her youngster. Jahnvi says essentially like a youthful has an uncertainty that everything is incredible and adequate in mother’s lap, she felt her kid is ensured in Sai’s lap. She says Sai knows everything, since her childhood is seen as he is bearing illl and is bearing all the issues, so if Sai can support him to be away from all the issues. Jahnvi’s life accomplice endeavors her start and end over the spot and gets some data about whether they saw a woman with a newborn child and cries figuring where his childhood in all likelihood gone. Sai uncovers to Jahnvi that when she has seen fulfillment, bothers are in like way clear and asks god that she should get a solidarity to fight all the issues. Jahnvi offers huge gratitude to him and says she will leave now. Sai asks Keshav to go with Jahnvi and help her with settling her home. Keshav goes with Jahnvi.

Also Read: Mere Sai 11th March 2020 Written Update

Keshav takes Jahnvi to her home. Her adored one Sashidhar asks here where she had been, he was worried for the kid. Keshav invites him and says his family is ensured in Shirdi and Sai sent him to settle their home. Shashidhar invites him and says he starting late filtered through someone to help them with settling their home and since they just journeyed, they need to rest and taking Jahnvi and youngster closes passage. A woman is seen seeing the gateway covering close by. He uncovers to Jahnvi that house owner didn’t perfect the house, so he will give a specialist to clean it. She says she overall cleans the house and with their compensation, they can’t deal with the expense of servannt. He requests inflexibly and she agrees saying as he wishes. He goes out to bring laborer.

Keshav returns to Sai and instructs him such Jahnvi’s reality accomplice Sashidhar denied his help and talked impolitely. Sai says they started from wandering tired and need rest, so Keshav shouldn’t trouble a ton.

Sashidhar brings a woman saying he found a worker and brought her whom whose to be unequivocal is incidentally Jahnvi. Jahnvi asks in what limit will he call her by then. House expert says she can call her Savi, her pet name. Sashidhar says Savi doesn’t have anyone and will stay in their store room. Jahnvi asks how is it possible. Savi convinces her that she will do all duties regarding less compensation. Jahnvi agrees. Savi demands that her give her baby child and rest as she started from traveling. Jahnvi denies and makes her mindful of do nuclear family undertakings and dare not see her kid. After eventually, youth cries. Jahnvi sings cradlesong and makes him rest. Savi peeps into her room. Jahnvi says she no doubt felt stunning that she didn’t give her baby kid, she is worried for her juvenile. Savi says she is regarded to have a family with fabulous life accessory and adolescent.

Also Read: Mere Sai 10th March 2020 Written Update


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