Mere Sai 29th January 2020 Written Update | Mere Sai Episodes Updates

Mere Sai Written Update

Mere Sai 29th January 2020 Written Episode Update, Sony Tv Show “Mere Sai 29-01-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Bitter Memories And Sweet Revenge

Airing Date: 29 January 2020

Read More: Mere Sai 28th January 2020 Written Update

Full Written Update: 29-January-2020 Mere Sai Episode Start with Dashrath yells that Upasana will evacuate his half wealth in gift and its like pouring ghee on compost. He hollers at her for wearing a spot gems and shouts she can’t equal her kin. Sai lands at searching for an honorable purpose. Upasana floods out. Dashrath hollers that vagrant returned again and Upasana erratically trusts in him. Mate says whole Shirdi trusts Sai.

Dashrath hollers that bum rebuked him for a little stumble and recalls a youth becoming ill having his corrupted wheat. Sai faces him and he denies. Sai checks his wheat and finds concealed stone rocks. People holler he is rapscallion and they should drag him to police. Sai stops them and says they shouldn’t buy spoiled staple. People leave yelling at Dashrath. Out of flashback, Dashrath yells that due to Sai he faced huge mishap.

Upasana favors blossom to Sai. Sai wishes her sprightly birthday and gives her a present bundle and demands to open it exactly when she needs it most. He wishes even Samrat. Samrat snatches favoring from Upasana, opens it, and finds trash in it. Sai says he took favoring which was not for him and opened it when it was excess, so even gold can turn flotsam and jetsam thusly.

Dashrath hollers at Sai for giving garbage for his kid, regardless a vagrant can give just flotsam and jetsam, and says he won’t baffle bum and asks Samrat to give some rotis to Sai. Upasana says kin’s hands are spread with flotsam and jetsam. Dashrath says its Sai’s flotsam and jetsam, so he wouldn’t worry. He himself offers rotis to Sai and says his youngster will be a legal advisor soon and he needn’t bother with him to soiled his hands, by then says he is getting late as he is going to Kheda. Sai says he should go soon as a guest is keeping things under control for him.

Megha’s boss/Saheb continues praising Saia and depicts what Sai resembles. He asks which religion Sai follows. Saheb says Sai doesn’t follow any religion yet respects all religions. Megha thinks he was wrongly anxious to meet Sai, anyway he ensured Saheb to go there and can’t disregard Saheb’s favors. Saheb asks about whether he will go or not. Megha says yes.

Read More: Mere Sai 27th January 2020 Written Update


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