Mithai 10th June 2022 Written Episode Update


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By TellyExpert: “Mithai 10th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Mithai

Timings On TV: All times are on the 10th of June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 10th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Mithai 10th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Mithai requests that Kirti work on their arrangement. Kirti brings nourishment for Apeksha and says Dadu is sitting tight for Sid on the supper table, it’s a family work so he ought to accompany his loved ones. Sid says fine and goes with Kirti. Mithai secures Apeksha in the nursery and says she needs to avoid Sid for quite a while.

All relatives sit to eat together. Sid scowls at Girish.

Apeksha is attempting to leave the nursery yet Mithai comes there and grabs the identification from Apeksha. She says on the off chance that Dadu sees this with you, he will be harmed. You ought to go there without this identification. I will give it back to you. She gets away the visa. She gives her an envelope and says the identification is inside so Dadu won’t realize that Sid gave his visa to you. Apeksha takes it and leaves.

Mithai lets Kirti know that she gave another thing to Apeksha and have stowed away the identification. Rohan is calling Kirti so Mithai advises her to take an ideal choice.

Mithai comes to Sid and says I realize you are annoyed with me yet I need to demonstrate the force of adoration.

Rohan converses with Kirti that I realize you would rather not hurt your loved ones. I won’t annoy you any longer. I will not be content with Karishma however I simply maintain that you should be cheerful. Might you at any point fail to remember me and continue on? Mithai shows Sid all that and says they love one another. Do you believe it’s right with them three that Rohan is wedding Karishma? Kirti tells Rohan that I can’t continue on however we need to for our families. Rohan says I need to take a gander at your cheerful face prior to isolating. I will wed Karishma. They embrace each other firmly. Sid sees generally that.

Rohan and Kirti return to the capacity. Sid comes there as well. Rohan tells Rajeev that I did what you believed me should do. Mithai lets Sid know that glance at your sister, Kirti is miserable and Rohan will not be content with Karishma. Sid says enough, for what reason would you say you are irritating up my sister? Mithai expresses out loud whatever’s going on is off-base so you can stop it. Sid says quit establishing things in my mind.

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Tellyexpert Mithai 10th June 2022

Mithai 10th June 2022 updates

Note: We do not provide any video links of Mithai 10th June 2022 full episode telly expert just provide written text format for site fan of Serial MithaiWritten Update.

Update For: Mithai 10th June 2022 Written Update Episode Upcoming twist


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