Pandya Store 2nd February 2024 Episode Written Update (2/2/2024)

Pandya Store

Pandya Store 2nd February 2024 Written Episode Update, Star Plus “Pandya Store 2nd February 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Natasha and Dhawal helps to raise money for Pranali’s sister

Pandya Store Air Date:Pandya Store 2nd February 2024

Full Written Update:Pandya Store 2/2/2024 Episode Start with The contestants are judged by Makwana. Everyone tries to impress Dhawal and he wonders why none of them are dancing as it is a dance competition. He asked his sister-in-law why none of them were dancing and if there was a communication problem. Natasha distracts him by saying that everything is fine and continues by asking the girls who will go to the next stage to dance. Dhawal continues to reject everyone and keeps saying that he has already chosen his dance partner. Dhawal said that Natasha Pandya will be his dance partner.

Dhawal takes Natasha on stage and when she tries to apologize, Dhawal tells her that due to the rules, he will have to perform with her. All the other contestants get angry and start throwing paper balls at them. Shashank’s mother comes to Pandya House to ask for Natasha’s hand in marriage. Suman tells that Natasha’s marriage was annulled recently. Chiku tells Shashank that she should have spoken to him and asks him why he was beaten. Chiku likes Shashank and thinks he is a good man and now he will show Amrish his place.

At the college, Natasha tells everyone that they organized the event to raise money for the tuition of one of the students, Namita, using the registration fee they paid to participate. It also allows them to get their money back if they want. But the girls finally help Namita more and agree to help her pay all her semester fees. Namita thanks everyone for helping her complete her engineering studies. Suman asks Isha to bring tea and snacks for Shashank and his mother. Chiku tells Suman that Shashank is a good person and they have worked together before. He offers to introduce him to Natasha.

Natasha gives money to Pranali and says now she doesn’t need to wait for Bhavin and Amresh to pay her sister’s fees. Pranali also thanked Dhawal. Everyone dances together to celebrate this joy. Natasha asks Chiku to come home immediately but doesn’t say why. Dhawal promises to leave the house but Natasha tells him to go with her sister-in-law. Hetal and Pranali request Dhawal to leave them at home and go to Pandya’s house and bring Natasha home. Natasha reaches home worried, she is shocked to see Shashank. Natasha asks Shashank if he will come and complain against her.

Chiku asks Natasha why he beat her. Shashank makes an excuse. Chiku tells Natasha that Shashank wants to marry her. The latter immediately refused to marry. Dhawal comes there and hears Suman talking to Natasha about Shashank. He advises Natasha to find out because she can’t wait all her life and has the right to move on. Dhawal is heartbroken to see Suman and Chiku convincing Natasha to talk to Shashank. The episode ends with Dhawal thinking of getting Natasha back in his life.

Pandya Store 3rd February 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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