Pratigya 2, 13th July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2, 13th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Pratigya 2,

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 13, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2, July 13th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Sumitra says where is Pratigya? She can’t be seen any spot. Meera says Adarsh is absent also. Sajjan says they seem to close these days. She was behind my juvenile first and as of now my kid in-law. Krishna says how is it possible that you would talk like this? They might be sidekicks, if Komal doesn’t have an issue, what’s your issue? Komal says as much how could I have the decision to react? Would it be a sharp thought for me to recognize that they have a partnership? I would rather not create an uproar yet I could oversee without Pratigya close to Adarsh.

Meera says how concerning we continue looking for them. Sumitra says in reality, we ought to go. They all go to find them. Komal visits with Sajjan and says envision a condition where Adarsh genuinely offers up to Pratigya. Sajjan says slacken up, it’s our game plan. All are looking for Adarsh and Pratigya. Sumitra opens the storeroom and hollers seeing Pratigya-Adarsh inside. She cries and says look at them. Krishna comes there and looks at them. Sumitra says she is so profane. Krishna a few memories, how he had found Pratigya and Adarsh in a room before also.

Krishna says you both were together before in addition, Pratigya was undercutting me. I in the long run study everything. Pratigya is baffled and figures he doesn’t recollect the full story. Krishna beats Adarsh and says now I know why the family was against you. Sumitra endeavors to stop him. Sajjan uncovers to Krishna that Pratigya is at mess up. Pratigya demands that Krishna stop it, you haven’t the haziest about this current reality, you can’t beat him. Krishna says I can see reality.

Komal hollers Krishna to stop, Pratigya and Adarsh are not to fault. There was no issue among them and never will be. She asks Sumitra to create some commotion else I will spill the full truth. Krishna got me hitched to Adarsh and I won’t permit him to address Adarsh. In a general sense uncover to him that this everything was your show. Sumitra says what have I done? There was an endeavor between them. Komal says fundamentally talk clearly else I will talk. You have hurt Adarsh an astounding arrangement and I disdain it if you use my significant other.

Sumitra says I understood. Krishna says I need to see as well. Sumitra says leave this. Krishna says this all show is OK for you? What’s going on? I feel like you people are veiling reality from me, aren’t you humiliated? I need to grasp my past yet no one is reacting to me. I can’t trust in anyone here. He uncovers to Sumitra that you are mishandling me losing my memory? I can’t perceive my family is doing this. I won’t focus in on anyone, I won’t be misled now. I will find reality myself now. All look on. He goes starting there.

Pratigya looks on. Krishna is staying on the show and says is there any legitimate motivation behind why I wouldn’t have the decision to remember that anything? It’s making me crazy. Pratigya comes there and says I appreciate you are in torture regardless trust me this demolition will vanish. Set forth an endeavor not to move yourself. She offers him milk yet he says vanish, I would rather not talk with you. Pratigya says you fathom your misery will not vanish as such. On a very basic level have this milk.

Krishna leaves starting there. Komal is cleaning Adarsh’s wounds and says you don’t have to act outstanding in this house. Why didn’t you concede all to Krishna when he was beating you. Adarsh says I ensured Amma to help her. Komal says as much her youngster can beat you now you won’t let out the most diminutive peep against her? I will show her something new now, enough of her show. Meera tells Sajjan and Sumitra that it was a sensible chance to make Krishna question Pratigya’s individual yet Komal pounded our system. You both can’t manage your daughter. You needn’t interfere with an enemy when you have an adolescent like her. I figure you ought to dispose of Komal from the house else she will pulverize this house.

Sajjan says enough, for what reason may it be a brilliant idea for you to advise me if my daughter will stay here or not? Review that you don’t have any relationship legitimately with Krishna. Meera says I remember everything aside from review that expecting I lose my life partner, you will lose your youngster also, she goes starting there. Sumitra uncovers to Sajjan that we need to find a way. If Krishna becomes familiar with the past, he will leave with Pratigya again. She is behind this, we need to take out Pratigya from our way. We need to find a way which can’t be failed. In the hidden part of the day, Krishna comes to eat with everyone.

Meera offers him food yet he takes his plate and goes to eat on the love seat. Sajjan gets a couple of data about the work notwithstanding he dismisses him. Krishna asks Adarsh since when did you start playing? I figured you wouldn’t play with me yet why did you cover that you knew me from ahead of time? What else do you think about Pratigya and how? Adarsh looks at Sumitra and says I worked with Pratigya, we both offered bona fide direction together. Krishna says Pratigya was a lawful guide and nobody educated me regarding that? Sumitra says stop this baba. Krishna asks Adarsh what happened before that you made me desirous by being with Pratigya? I recall that we had a fight as well. I need to perceive reality so rebuke me. Pratigya looks on.

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