Pratigya 2, 28th July 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Pratigya 2, 28th July 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name:Pratigya 2,

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 28, July, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDi

Today’s Content: Pratigya 2, July 28th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Sajjan is strolling around the yard and his strolling stick tumbles down. He requests that Kriti and Garv help him at any rate they leave beginning there. Kesar disregards him and leaves too. Pratigya keeps on getting it for him. Sajjan says your children have such sack disposition. Pratigya says they see scorn ceaselessly in this house so they have it too. The master offers solutions for Meera. Sumitra takes it for her. Pratigya is helping Kesar in the kitchen. Komal says you never cooked in the kitchen so why now Pratigya? Kesar says I know why you are irritating her.

Pratigya says to leave it, there is no outcome of this question. Sumitra brings Meera home and requests that Kesar bring water for her. Kesar brings the glass in any case offers it to Sumitra. Meera has a go at taking her medication in any case it tumbles down. She jumps in torment and tries to get it. Pratigya gets it for her and figures this isn’t a pregnancy drug. She stops Meera and says this isn’t commendable solution for you. Krishna comes there moreover. Meera says you are so profane, you need to kill my young person that is the clarification you are holding me back from taking the medication? Sumitra says no one took her to the prepared proficient and starting now not letting her take the medication.

Krishna requests that Pratigya leave it, let them be. Pratigya says this solution will hurt the child, she discards the medication. Sumitra hollers what’s new with you? Sajjan says you have no disgrace utilizing any means. Pratigya says I am admitting everything, it can hurt her. She shows on the web. Krishna says for what reason may you say you are concerned? You don’t have to barge in this, you are not a prepared proficient. He takes Pratigya beginning there. Meera grins. Krishna passes on Pratigya to their room and says first you let her visit right now you are stressed over her? For what reason do you continue encroaching in her matter?

Pratigya says why not understand she could have an unnatural birth cycle in the event that she took that medication. Krishna hollers so let that child pass on, I wouldn’t fret less, for what reason may you say you are concerned? Are you stressed over the beneficiary of this house. Pratigya says I basically need Meera and her child.. Krishna says you are wrecking my strategy, I need to dispose of that youth and her. Pratigya says what? Krishna says I comprehend that medication is to kill the child. Pratigya says what’s your arrangement? The flashback shows how Krishna had dealt with the master to give that medication to Meera.

Meera uncovers to Sumitra that Pratigya needs to torment me, she is assaulting my adolescent. Sumitra says she is your foe so don’t zero in on her. Meera says she is playing with my youth yet I will not extra her if something happens to the child. Sumitra says the child will be fine, basically quiet down. Sajjan says loosen up, he requests that Komal bring the medication once more. Pratigya uncovers to Krishna I can’t trust you need to kill a genuine adolescent. Krishna says I needn’t mess with that child, she hoodwinked me. Pratigya says yet it isn’t actually that child’s inadequacy, it’s an awful conduct to kill her adolescent when she is saying no thanks to it.

Krishna says she abused me when I lost my memory, she needs to add herself with me until the cows come home. I just ought to be with you and my young people. I needn’t mess with that young person. Pratigya says we will oversee everything together loathing this. She requests that he call the topic master. Pratigya calls the topic master and says you did a terrible conduct, I can get your award dropped so ponder her at the present time and urge her to not take that medication. Krishna leaves beginning there. The master calls Sumitra and says I am truly mourned, I did a blunder, that medication is to stop the young person. Sumitra cries and reveals to Meera that medication was to stop the child. Komal says Pratigya was attempting to save the child?

Kesar figures for what reason did Pratigya need to help this lady. Meera cries. Pratigya passes on food to Krishna and requesting that he eat. He says I am not restless. Pratigya says my Krishna can never hurt an adolescent, simply change due to conditions. Krishna says I wanted to do an error, I don’t have even the remotest sign my appraisal.. Pratigya says it’s OK. They eat together. Pratigya says how with respect to we go in our room. Krishna says you need to consent to all that I say. He gets her and takes her beginning there. Meera sees them and says her joy will be gone soon. Krishna and Pratigya are in the bed. He will kiss her in any case somebody beats on the passageway. He makes the way for discover Meera there. She cries in torment and says it’s stinging a ton, would you have the choice to liberally put down with me this evening. Krishna scowls at her.

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