Qurbaan Hua 12th February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Qurbaan Hua 12th February 2021 Written Update”

Tv Show Name: Qurbaan Hua

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 12, February, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

February 12, 2021: Qurbaan Hua Today Episode Start with Neel promptly embraces Chahat, she inquires as to whether he truly guaranteed AlakhNanda that he will wed her, Vyas je is likewise left stunned to hear Chahat.Sometime before toward the beginning of the day, Neel comes to back to the house, Godambari and Baleq both race to him when Godambari specifies how he got late as the police took Vyas je away, Neel in the wake of reviling Misses Baig hurries to the police headquarters, Baleq shouts how he didn’t realized that Neel would get stressed with a particularly little news at that point makes reference to how he would get strained when he would come to realize that reality with regards to how he has consented to wed AlakhNanda so he would perceive how long he can live with Chahat.

Chahat is called by some kid who specifies how AlakhNanda is calling her, she makes reference to how she would come, Nurpath welcomes all the visitors when Chahat is assisting her with preparing for the capacity, Nurpath shouts how he is upbeat since his craving is at long last working out and now his little girl would be hitched, AlakhNanda inquires as to whether she is looking decent much the same as Alia Bhat when Chahat shouts that regardless of whether the genuine Ranbir Kapoor was available then he might want her. They are hanging tight for Neel anyway he doesnot come and even Baleq closes the call of Nurpath who is truly stressed, they all shout how he has been tricked and the city individuals took the property and even left AlakhNanda, Nurpath at that point gets a cardiovascular failure which stresses everybody, Chahat shouts how they need to take him to the clinical camp anyway he makes her guarantee about how she would get equity for AlakhNanda prior to passing on, everybody is stunned and AlakhNanda begins crying subsequent to putting her head on his chest.

The locals shout how they would not play out the last customs of Nurpath until AlakhNanda is hitched, they request that Chahat chat for their benefit as the individual who has destroyed her life would need to pay, Chahat guarantees how she would cause the individual to wed AlakhNanda as he has violated her and it ought not have occurred, she requests the name when the senior shout how his name was Neelkand Bhat Dhiani, Chahat is staggered so specifies how they may be mixed up anyway they show her the property papers which affirms the indication of Neel, she sits on the ground when the older folks subsequent to getting her shout how she would need to get equity for them since they can’t go to any other individual, Chahat is stressed considering what she may do.

Neel can bring Vyas je when Godambari and Baleq both shout how it is truly fortunate that Vyas jee returned, Ghazala additionally comes, Neel stops her shouting to the police overseer that she is the person who accused Vyas when in any event, when she realizes that Chahat is in Pipli town for the immunization drive of her emergency clinic, he shouts how she did this simply because he is a Hindu and she is Muslim, the police monitor says how she would lose her political race ticket if there is any police case and leaves subsequent to giving her an admonition. Vyas je asks Neel what he was doing in Pipli town, Neel shouts how he has tackled the entirety of their issues, they are standing when Chahat comes calling Neel, he quickly embraces her inquiring as to whether she sent the present and truly meat it is inquiring as to whether it is reasonable, Chahat specifies how she has come to get equity for AlakhNanda in any event, when she realizes that her criminal is nobody other then her own better half, Neel shouts how he doesnot know the young lady.

A resident stops Neel referencing how he marked the property papers of Nurpath subsequent to consenting to wed AlakhNanda yet didn’t go to the Mandap due to which he kicked the bucket, Chahat additionally inquires as to whether he didn’t guarantee AlakhNanda to wed her against the property papers, Neel inquires as to for what reason is she asking him this since she should confide in him, Chahat specifies how she trust him yet can’t comprehend what the townspeople are saying, Neel attempts to argue how they all are mixed up on the grounds that he never vowed to wed anybody anyway then he understands how Baleq made him sign the papers, anyway Baleq won’t acknowledge the reality which maddens Neel who will not tune in. The locals take steps to murder Vyas je and they even powerfully hold Neel, they are going to hit Vyas je anyway Chahat ensures him requesting that they try to avoid panicking as she is talking anyway Vyas je orders her to stop this dramatization as she doesnot care for them else she would not have sent the legal documents.

Chahat gets strained so rushing to Neel asks what he is saying as she didn’t send any such papers, Neel quiets down referencing how he realized she could never leave him; he at that point goes to Ghazala shouting how he realized she is the one behind everything as just she needs to break their marriage anyway Ghazala shouts how she doesnot care a piece. The townspeople notice how they would not leave until Neel weds AlakhNanda, Neel shouts how he can’t on the grounds that Chahat is his significant other, Vyas je says how they don’t acknowledge his marriage as though he weds AlakhNanda at that point would not be away from his religion, Chahat shouts how the two of them are a couple according to the law.
Vyas je says that their strict suppositions couldn’t more prominent than the law and he consents to get Neel hitched anyway Neel and Chahat reject when one of the residents puts a firearm on the head of Chahat, AlakhNanda at that point shouts how she can’t wed Neel as he is the spouse of Chahat anyway the uncle says how Nurpath would not get the fire until she is hitched, Vyas je makes reference to how Baleq would play out the marriage so he goes to get the possessions.In Progress…

Qurbaan Hua, 12th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Qurbaan Hua, 12 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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