Qurbaan Hua 2nd February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Qurbaan Hua 2nd February 2021 Written Update on Tellyupdates.tv”

Tv Show Name: Qurbaan Hua

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date:  2, February, 2021

February 2, 2021: Qurbaan Hua Today Episode Start with Neel tumbles to the ground subsequent to being influenced by the toxic substance so Chahat hurries to help him, Vyas je is additionally not ready to bear that his child isn’t well, Godambari attempts to pull Chahat away anyway she shouts how they have heard how the ladies shielded her significant other from Yamraj and this is the manner by which she would likewise save Neel. Baleq opens the line however Neel drives the line away yelling at Godambari asking what is she attempting to do as her quick is going to end since he had the option to get the adornments of the Mandir as a result of it and therefor had the option to demonstrate the honesty of Chahat, he shouts how he discovered them in the nook of the snakes, he shouts how they ought to comprehend that it doesnot matter which God they love as a human can be decided by his activities.

Neel tumbles to the ground when Chahat hurries to her she rubs his hand and asks how he got bit by the snake, Neel acknowledges how he was bit while taking out the gems saying how he doesnot have any lament since when he forfeits himself for their affection, it is the point at which these individuals would comprehend that adoration is over any religion. Vyas je attempts to get up from his wheelchair when Baleq stops him shouting how nothing will happen to Neel nonetheless in the event that he gets up, at that point Neel would acknowledge he is simply acting and could never again believe him so he should simply stay situated.

Chahat begs Godambari to supplier her a material anyway she attempts to pull her away when Chahat clarifies how she is determined to save him, she ties her dupatta on his hand and afterward takes out the whole toxic substance from his body utilizing her mouth to suck it out, he clarifies how he would have kicked the bucket for her adoration as a result of her under any condition, Chahat chides him saying how he ought to never attempt to do something like this since, in such a case that he isn’t a major part of her life then she would not have had the option to live without him. Vyas je is likewise not ready to control his feelings.

Vyas je reprimands both Godambari and Baleq referencing how their arrangements would have made him free his child, he shouts how he just longings to end the marriage of Neel and Chahat in light of the fact that he fears that then Neel would not have the option to rehearse his religion notwithstanding on the off chance that this is the impacts of their arrangements, at that point he would stop them, Baleq shouts how they were simply attempting to save Neel from the Muslim young lady and they would not utilize such methods again however would choose a way that doesnot influence Neel until kingdom come.

Chahat is attempting to infuse the immunizing agent toxin infusion anyway Neel is fleeing from her, she shouts how he has lost the standing of the saint since he is acting like a defeatist, Neel clarifies how Chahat ought to acknowledge as he is truly frightened of the infusions, Chahat at that point pulls him as the two of them lie on the bed, she attempts to coarse him by remarking on how excellent he is and that any young lady would experience passionate feelings for him simply by glancing in his eyes, Neel gets energized so requests that he infuse him, Chahat clarifies how he has infused him and he didn’t understand, Neel is likewise stunned to perceive how he didn’t feel anything, he remarks how she has enchantment in her grasp. Chahat clarifies how he should think about her prior to doing anything of the sort and furthermore understand that she doesnot have anybody on the planet aside from him, Neel clarifies how he likewise gets frightened while considering drying yet on the off chance that anything happens to her, at that point he would doubtlessly bite the dust decisively, the two of them embrace when Godambari comes educating about the specialist who has come for the registration of Vyas je.

The specialist subsequent to checking Vyas je clarifies how there is no development in his legs and in the event that this perseveres, at that point he could always be unable to walk once more, Neel encourages to bring Chahat anyway Vyas je stops him saying that it would better that he doesnot walk somewhat then to allow Chahat to play out the registration, the specialist clarifies how there is a way anyway the expenses is 1.5 million, hearing this Baleq clarifies how they don’t have the cash since the entirety of their ledgers have been frozen, Neel at that point leaves the room. Baleq thanks the specialist for his assistance, Vyas je is stressed if this arrangement would work to which Baleq clarifies how it would without a doubt function in light of the fact that Chahat has been utilized as a specialist and Neel is jobless so this would make contempt among them.

Chahat is filling the water, Godambari comes disclosing how she wants to express gratitude toward her for saving the existence of Neel, she clarifies how they are constantly stressed for his wellbeing as he needs to face such difficulties, she makes reference to how she can’t utter a word to her since she is a Muslim and doesnot wear the Mangal Sutur or fills her Mang with Sindoor as in their religion it is accepted that by doing these activities the spouse carries on with a day to day existence liberated from all the perils, Chahat gets stressed after Godambari leaves, she considers how Neel has educated her to never satisfy any such custom that is against her religion, she implores Allah to give her some indication about what she ought to do, Chahat hears gollu crying so hurries to her, taking her up she attempts to quiet her down.

Neel in the wake of arriving at the parlor calls the administrator clarifying how he is prepared to acknowledge the work as a server, he clarifies how his dad is sick so he requires the cash, Neel thinks about a path by which he can get the sum for the infusion. Chahat places Gollu in her seat, her hand stalls out in the wristband which she is wearing, Chahat acknowledges how the Mangal Sutur additionally has dark beats, she contemplates whether it is a sign from Saraswathi as they accept that the spouse can carry on with a long life when the girl wears the Mangal Sutur, she feels that it would not damage her strict customs as it is simply one more piece of gems. Chahat wears the Mangal Sutur around her neck.In Progress…

Qurbaan Hua, 2nd, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Qurbaan Hua, 2 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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