Qurbaan Hua 8th February 2021 Written Update


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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Qurbaan Hua 8th February 2021 Written Update”

Tv Show Name: Qurbaan Hua

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 8, February, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

February 8, 2021: Qurbaan Hua Today Episode Start with Neel intentionally drops the blood bundle saying that it is some unacceptable blood gathering and the individual can bite the dust as a result of it anyway Chahat makes reference to how it is a similar blood gathering, she additionally cautions that in the event that anything incorrectly happens to her patient, at that point she can’t live with him anymore.Sometime prior when Neel is playing out the pooja, the woman sees Chahat so goes out then expresses gratitude toward Chahat for indicating them Neel as he is a great Pandit and they would have Neel play out their pooja too, Godambari over hears their discussion from behind the corner, she heads inside and makes an honest effort to impel Vyas je by saying that they have come in light of the fact that Chahat begged him, Baleq likewise specifies how they have not been stressed to such an extent that individuals come to them due to their monetary issues anyway Vyas je stops them saying how he is in a condition of rapture so doesnot need to consider whatever is against his craving to consider Neel to be the new Mant.

Godambari going to Baleq shouts that on the off chance that this proceeds, at that point he will acquire Chahat as the girl law of the family, Baleq shouts how he won’t let anything of the sort occur, Baleq makes reference to how he felt decent when Neel had the chance to play out the pooja anyway it was all on the grounds that Chahat argued for him, Neel blows up so gets up inquiring as to for what reason did she need to do in light of the fact that he doesnot need to live on her blessings, Chahat gets a call from the medical clinic so surges away as there was an avalanche.

Neel leaves subsequent to blowing up, the individual comes after Neel so attempts to give him the cash, Neel won’t take the cash since he is offering it to him in light of Chahat anyway the individual clarify how they didn’t come to him as a result of Chahat yet wanted that Vyas je play out the pooja anyway his companion Bophandar clarified how he is sick so Chahat recommended that they have Neel play out the pooja yet an official conclusion was their own, Neel is furious with Chahat anyway the individual clarifies how it is right for a spouse to really focus on her significant other as Chahat actually wants that he improves work in any event, when he is irate so Neel should attempt to really focus on his better half.

Neel acknowledges how he wasn’t right, and the individual is correct on the grounds that he ought not be inconsiderate with Chahat as it isn’t right, Neel considers how he should make the Chinese food which Chahat likes which would address his mode. Neel arrives at the emergency clinic requesting Chahat anyway when he comes to realize that she is occupied, Neel takes a pen and paper so chooses to compose a note when he hears Ghazal chatting with an individual clarifying how she would get Chahat terminated as the blood bunch isn’t right and it will execute the patient, Neel feels that he would not allow Chahat to get terminated. Chahat is in the activity theater when Ghazala comes, Neel likewise runs and tosses the jug clarifying how it is some unacceptable blood gathering.

Chahat takes up the jug clarifying how it is the correct blood bunch she inquires as to why he do it when he doesnot realize anything about treating the patients, she cautions how she would not have the option to live with him in the event that he plays with her work, she arranges him to leave the room anyway he gets truly miserable with her response. Ghazala is remaining outside clarifying how he has heard what Chahat said, Ghazala uncovers how she intentionally went about as though the blood bunch isn’t right as then he would commit an error that will outrage Chahat and she will lose her employment, she makes reference to what might happen when the patient passes on in view of hanging tight for the blood and afterward their romantic tale would end, she specifies how what Chahat has said would one day become reality, Neel shouts how their affection isn’t excessively frail and she won’t demolish their adoration as she isn’t competent.

Ghazala gets truly distraught so calls Baleq shouting how Neel has tested her and now it has gotten essential to isolate them both, she discloses their next arrangement to Neel. Chahat is alleviated when she can balance out the patient, the senior specialist comes when the medical attendant clarifies how Chahat can fix any patient, Chahat makes reference to how they can simply attempt however it is dependent upon God to give wellbeing. Chahat subsequent to giving guidelines sits on the seat when she is going to demolish her Mangal Sutur, Chahat acknowledges how she admonished Neel and afterward blows up with her when she understands that Neel throwed the container and even Ghazala was remaining there she understands how it was the arrangement of Ghazala and she additionally said a ton of impolite words to Neel due to being pushed, she considers how she ought say sorry as well as should get some present for Neel, she begins thinking then a ward kid come saying that she has a package which is the marriage authentication so she chooses to blessing Neel a similar marriage endorsement.

Neel readies the cake in the house and composes sorry patni jii when her mom requests that he stay anyway Neel specifies how he is terrified of her so chooses to compose a note, he is sitting when understands that Chahat has come so he quickly covers up asking that she eat the cake. Neel is remaining outside and is truly stressed, asking that on the off chance that she has eaten the cake, at that point would have pardoned her, Chahat leaves when Neel heads inside where he finds the marriage declaration all destroyed which stresses him a ton.

Chahat is disclosed that she needs to go to the immunization camp where she needs to clarify the significance of the antibody for Covid, Ghazala comes compromising that she is the trustee of the emergency clinic so any individual who won’t go on the camp would be terminated. Neel finds a bundle where there is a note particle which it is clarified how she can’t change with his religion and furthermore can’t live with him as they are a variety of, Neel begins crying as he can’t accept what Chahat has said. Chahat gets strained and isn’t even ready to call Neel since her cell phone has no battery so she gets strained, Ghazala clarify how her significant other is jobless and how might they have the option to eat anything in the event that she additionally free her work.In Progress…

Qurbaan Hua, 8th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Qurbaan Hua, 8 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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