Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 23rd December 2020 Episode Written Update


Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 23rd December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 23rd December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 23rd December, 2020

December 23rd, 2020 : Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 Today Episode Start with Sagar attempts to strongly take care of desserts to Gehna. She drives him away, runs and opens entryway, sees kids standing who inquire as to whether she discovered they came without thumping the entryway. Sagar covers up. They allude her as Gehna chachi and removes her blindfolded saying Tia bua is calling them. Sagar figures they more likely than not enlivened suhaag bed for Gehna. Children take her to Anant’s room and show her enhancement.

Tia welcomes her and says this is her new room. Tannu request that her call AM/Anant mamu. Tia strolls towards entryway asking them not to inconvenience Gehna till she returns. Hema strolls in and asking Piyush to go to room shouts at Gehna that she is a house keeper and her obligation is to clean, so she should eliminate this adornment and tidy up the room. She at that point asks Tia for what valid reason she is indoctrinating kids, what will she disclose to her school companions when they inquire as to whether she got her sibling wedded to a house keeper. Tia says she will disclose to them that her sibling wedded a young lady who loves and thinks about our family a great deal.

Hema keeps shouting and takes youngsters from that point. Gehna thinks Anant acknowledged her as spouse, however is she fit for being his better half. Tia strolls to Anant and gets his tear. He stands up observing her. She says she saw Gehna’s torment, everybody saw Baa’s agony, however no one saw his torment; how could he get such a great amount of boldness to make quite a major stride; when he has taken it, he should make one more stride and stroll towards Gehna as she is distant from everyone else, and as opposed to getting feeble, they should turn out to be each other’s solidarity. He approaches her to disregard him for quite a while, and she leaves.

On the opposite side, Pankaj reveals to Kanak that Bapuji effortlessly said whoever are not happy with a house keeper Gehna can venture out from home. Kanak inquires as to for what reason didn’t he talk before Bapuji and yakking before her. He says he was attempting. She says he let his sibling wed a house keeper quietly, she didn’t see how Bapuji effectively said that. Pankaj says she should be glad that she is getting a perpetual servant. Kanak says Anant and Gehna will remove all the riches and Pankaj will get nothing; Bapuji effortlessly told Gehna is propitious for them, she is Desai bahu and not Gehna, and before Gehna enters Anant’s heart, she ought to send Gehna out of this house. Gehna strolls to Anant with turmeric glue for his injury. He thinks back Radhika scratching his hand while being detracted from him. He asks Gehna to keep it on table and himself applies it on his hand. She says Radhika should be irate and her heart broke as a result of me, she should be in incredible agony, don’t have a clue how she will control herself.

He gets some information about Radhika. On the opposite side, Radhika taking a gander at Anant’s pic inquires as to for what reason did he do this, she won’t take a gander at his pic from here on to fail to remember him. Shethrows every one of his endowments and pics on floor and consumes them saying she will eradicate every one of his recollections. Guardians surge in and asks what franticness is this, she is sobbing for an individual who doesn’t enjoy her, she ought to fail to remember him. Radhika says she can’t fail to remember him and picks Anant’s pic from fire. Guardians state they will re-visitation of Singapore tomorrow itself. Gehna bubbles milk in kitchen.

Alpa strolls in and inquires as to for what reason is she in a kitchen following her wedding. Gehna says its alright and approaches her to get a few rolls for Baa as she is ravenous since morning and without medication will become sick, she may reprimand her yet ought to have milk and meds. In Baa and Bapuji’s room, Baa discloses to Bapuji that he destroyed his child’s life. He gets some information about Gehna. Gehna enters with milk and bread rolls and requests that Baa have milk and rolls and afterward medications. Baa drives plate away saying she would not like to eat. Milk glass falls on ground and separates. Gehna picks broken pieces and Bapuji requests that her be cautious.

Baa says Gehna destroyed Anant’s life. Bapuji inquires as to whether Gehna attempts to end it all once more. Baa says Radhika likewise attempted to end it all, he isn’t stressed for her; says she doesn’t have the foggiest idea when she will pass on of craving, so its better he strangulates and executes her. Bapuji pulls back his hands. Baa keeps venting out her resentment on Gehna and draws laxman rekha on the floor notice her to dare not enter in.

In Progress….


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