Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 4th January 2021 Written Update


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Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 Episode 2021 Tv series Written Update January, 4th, 2021 on By

Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2, 4th, January 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2, 4 January 2021 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 4, January, 2021

January 4, 2021 : Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 Today Episode Start with Anant and Gehna slip and fall on one another on porch. Sagar gets desirous seeing them. Gehna’s mangalsutra stalls out in Anant’s shirt catch and attempts to free it, Anant makes a difference. Tia calls Gehna, and she leaves apprehensively. Sagar fixes camera in Gehna’s washroom. Gehna enters and frenzies seeing him. He attempts to contact her indecently and inquires as to whether she saw anything. She gives him a tight slap and flees, leaving Sagar baffled. She rushes to home sanctuary and asks god how could she get so much fortitude.

Paresh strolls to her and says she got mental fortitude from god and says each lady has devi Durga in her and one who has sindhoor in her hairlaine has gigantic force and she ought to understand that she isn’t less or more fragile than anybody. Anant joyfully calls his folks and educates that Singapore organization had extended to him employment opportunity and now they offered him a lot greater post. Paresh strolls in praising him. Baa says he told he will remain with them, however is going far away from them. Anant says 5 km away from home as organization extended to him employment opportunity in their Surat branch. Baa gets cheerful and says her bahu is propitious to her, at that point stops. Anant says he previously dismissed once, yet can’t state no once more. Baa changes theme and says today morning is exceptionally favorable and they got this uplifting news. Chetan with entire group strolls in and asks what uplifting news.

Anant says he found a new line of work offer and needs to join today itself. Tia enters and says she figured they would appreciate a ton. Anant says they will get numerous progressions later. Bapuji says he is correct. Kanak with her group strolls in and hearing the news thinks she needed to send Anant away from old couple, yet in the event that he remains at home, in what manner will they separate him. Anant requests that Alpa serve his morning meal while he prepares for work. Gehna strolls in, and he seeing her leaves. Tia says Gehna is favorable for Anant, he landed position in Surat in the wake of wedding her. Baa inquires as to for what reason is Gehna meandering wearing the previous sari.

Tia requests that Hema return Gehna’s saris and others endowments. Hema with Kanak strolls into her room and inquires as to whether house keeper will wear exorbitant saris like them. Kanak says she won’t let Gehna wear exorbitant saris like them. Tia strolls in with Gehna and demand Hema to restore Gehna’s saris and blessings. Hema reluctantly says let them be with her as she is saving them cautiously. Tia inquires as to for what reason would she keep Gehna’s sari and blessings, she should bring them back. Hema with bizarre articulations concurs. Tia moves a summon and strolls requesting that Gehna check her endowments. Hema sends kids away and with Kanak begins hollering at Kanak that she will wear expensive saris as them, does she merit them, and so on, giving on sari strongly to her. Gehna says she needs just 1 sari and attempts to leave.

Kanak asks who will tidy up her and Hema’s room. Gehna says Anant needs to go to office, so she needs to take wash and set up Anant’s morning meal. Kanak thinks she is caught now and demands to tidy up room and afterward go. Gehna looking a clock tidies up room and says its done. Children return. Hema drops child’s toys and requests Gehna to clean them. Children state Hema dropped them and their instructor showed them not to lie. Hema hollers and demands to clean soon. Gehna does and trusts she doesn’t get late to get ready food. Anant prepares for office and takes his parent’s endowments. Baa inquires as to whether he ate and calls Alpa. Alpa strolls in and says Gehna told she will plan breakfast for Anant, so she planned to take milk to get ready tea. Anant says he will eat and go as Gehna probably set it up.

Gehna swiftly wipes Kanak’s room floor and seeing time attempts to leave saying she will set up Anant’s morning meal and afterward tidy up room. Kanak demands to tidy up room first and afterward go. She grins seeing Anant venturing out from home. Gehna does and racing to kitchen requests that Alpa give dhokla hitter to set up Anant’s morning meal. Alpa educates that Anant previously left for office. Baa enters and hearing that chides Gehna. Hema and Kanak enter and insult that Gehna got a spouse’s identification, however didn’t follow wife’s obligation. Tia enters and inquires as to for what reason didn’t Gehna get ready breakfast as she had left some time in the past.

Alpa educates that Gehna was washing and tidying up Kanak and Hema’s rooms, so she is late. Kanak hollers at her not to turn into Gehna’s legal counselor. Tia asks Baa in the event that she discovered her response for what good reason Gehna didn’t get ready breakfast. Baa yells she would not like to hear anything, due to whom Anant ventured out from home without eating will take tiffin for him and will remain there until he completes tiffin. Tia asks by what means can Gehna go out as she never went out. Baa says her words are conclusive.

In Progress…

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