Shaadi Mubarak 8 March 2021 Written Update


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By TellyExpert: “Shaadi Mubarak 8 March 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Shaadi Mubarak

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Air Date: 8, March, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

Today’s Content: Shaadi Mubarak March 8, 2021 Written Update Episode Start withPreeti addresses Furti that where she have gone promptly in the first part of the day? To which Furti answers that she went to take care of the canines. She uncovers that she have taken a few breads from the dinning table to take care of them while Preeti and KT gets stunned acknowledging it to be Kushala’s eating regimen bread.

Kushala yells at the workers for her missing breakfast when Preeti comes there and lies that she have eaten it as she was eager. Kushala grins at her truism she can have anything she need. Sneha additionally urge Preeti to eat whatever she prefers. Around then Furti sits on the couch while her memento came out. Kushala gets dazed seeing it and ask Preeti that for what good reason she have given her insurance memento to Furti?

Preeti gets confused while KT request that Preeti show her memento. Preeti gets confounded however moves her hand towards her neck and found precisely the same memento. KT recalls how he have tied the memento in Preeti’s neck when she was reflecting. Kushala gets alleviated while KT says that Furti should have likewise got the memento from where Kushala have it. Sneha consents to KT while Kushala grins and embraces Preeti.

Preeti and KT gets inside their room while KT says that it’s turning into his propensity to save Preeti constantly. Preeti gets a message from specialist and gets glad. She enthusiastically enlightened KT concerning Furti’s ultrasound while he grins. The two of them express their satisfaction while KT discloses to Preeti that what all he have anticipated their child. Preeti gets sad eyes and believes that this infant will assist KT with beating her missing.

KT continues to inform Preeti regarding how all they will help their child while Preeti grins with cheerful tears. Furti comes ground floor and was going to go out when Neel stops her and ask where is she going? He starts to converses with her in presence of Priyanka to make her desirous. Priyanka gets goaded hearing their discussion and goes from their being furious. Furti laughs and says that she understands what Neel is attempting to do while he grins at her.

Preeti was going to go when she gets her PCP’s call who request that Preeti come as a malignant growth expert have visited their medical clinic. Preeti states that she can’t come as she need to go for sonography however the specialist stress her to come educating Preeti regarding its significance. Preeti gets confounded what to do and ask god for help.

Furti goes to Preeti’s room and says that specialist called her getting some information about her clinical history. She expresses that she have given Preeti’s name for the blood gift at that period of scarcity. Preeti gets stunned hearing it and as Furti leaves the room, Preeti called the clinic and dropped her name. Furti hears her discussion and blows up. Preeti goes for her treatment while Juhi comes there and gets sorrowful seeing Preeti. She gets weepy eyes while Preeti comforts her.

On the opposite side KT ask the medical caretaker to mind as she was going to take Furti for sonography. He attempts to call Preeti yet she doesn’t gets his call. He get some information about Preeti however she being irate on her says that she don’t have a clue where Preeti is! She satiates that Preeti would even not like to see the child yet KT safeguards Preeti expressing that it was Preeti who first imagined about having an infant. He gets stressed for Preeti.

Juhi cries seeing Preeti’s state and inquire as to why she have covered up about her sickness? Preeti touches Juhi’s hair and says that she can’t see her friends and family in broken state. She cautions Juhi not to educate anybody concerning her sickness. Juhi offers backing to Preeti while Preeti says that she will clearly battle against the disease and will win the battle for her friends and family.

Precap:- Preeti presses Furti’s legs while Kushala sees them and gets stunned. She reproves Furti and hauls her down requesting that she take off from the house.

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