Shakti 13th February 2020 Written Update | Shakti Episodes Updates


Shakti 13th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Shakti 13-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Heer And Virat’s Friendship Is Becoming Stronger

Airing Date: 13 February 2020

Full Written Update: 13-February-2020 Shakti Episode Start with Rohan asking Virat what is written in the note? Heer gets pushed and uncovers to Soham that she will keep on bringing Veer ji. Soham says Veer ji isn’t an adolescent and requesting that her sit tactfully. Heer goes to Mata Rani to spare her. Rohan asks what is written in it that you are inspecting with such a lot of intrigue. He takes the paper in his hold and gets it. He sees vegetable once-over to purchase and asks from where you got it? Virat says it is of some understudy.

Also Read: Shakti 12th February 2020 Written Update

Rohan requests that he keep up a vital good ways from his sister. Virat says when I don’t hear my educator’s conversation then for what inspiration to hear yours and leaves. He takes out Heer’s note and starts getting it. Heer grins. Virat asks concerning whether he is fine? On the off chance that her Papa’s lead is sufficient with him? Why he came to class running? Virat holds the letter down and thinks since, he found an ordinary accomplice. Heer thinks Virat has guaranteed that he won’t get startled of my family and thinks he is satisfying the confirmation. Rohan returns to jeep and they leave.

Heer asks Preeto to keep the pack and sign on all the papers. Heer says I won’t give my property to your name. Preeto asks her not to act and requests that her sign hands on application. Heer says take all the property and suit Harak Singh, yet don’t cause me to do work. She says in the event that manager upbraids me, by then I will cry. She asks concerning whether they are poor that she needs them to do work and requests that her inspiration her kinfolk to do work. Harak Singh says we are not poor, we need you to be free and remain on your feet. He says I concurred and let you go to the get-together. Heer says you are compelling me and signs on the papers. She goes to her room.

Virat gets back home splendidly and thinks to offer responses to her solicitations. Sant Baksh comes there and says he needs to address him something. He advances toward what is that adolescent’s name for whom you bounced from the yard. Virat says he did that for the wager of 75000 Rs. He says he never met her. Sant Baksh asks did you get the wager cash? Virat says no and tells that might be Veer ji exchanged off that individual not to give me wager cash.

Sant baksh asks from where you got DJ player. Dadu says I gifted him that. Sant Baksh requests that he give receipt else gather his sacks. He says I will send you to create age home, says on the off chance that develop age plays with new age, by then they will be sent away from here. Virat says Dadu won’t go from here. Sant Baksh requests that he get the receipt.

Harak Singh fills the structure. Preeto requests that her etching female on the structure. Harak Singh says this structure will go to the affiliation and says when they are not disengaging then for what reason will us. He says in the event that we make female, by then Heer will be insulted. He requests that her get conspicuous confirmation pic. Shanno hears them and says in the event that bhai saheb goes from here for 2 mins, by then my work will be finished. She calls Veeran and requesting that he call bhai saheb and reveal to him something.

Veeran calls Harak Singh and sales that he send IT pics, says he is sitting with CA. To be sure he is remaining outside. Harak Singh goes to send him pics. Heer thinks about Virat’s answer. Shanno goes to her and requesting that her read the structure, says jiji and bhai saheb may send you to a spot, where you hesitant and says on the off chance that they send you like Soumya, by at that point? Heer says I will check the structure and will apply face pack later. Shanno thinks once she examines the structure and she will perceive what is made?

Sant Baksh asks from where you got DJ player? Virat says it is gifted by a companion. Dadu approaches Virat for what substantial avocation he is flabbergasting additional him. He says he isn’t that old that he disregards where he had kept it. He displays the receipt to Sant Baksh. Simran asks about for what good reason you took such a huge amount of time. Dadu says when I went room, I was thinking how my youth feasibly said that he will send me to create age home. He asks Virat to take him to room.

Sant Baksh detonate and flings the receipt without checking. Heer checks the structure and asks concerning for what valid reason others are made on the structure. Preeto says it is a slip-up. Heer says by what means may you think your mind blowing youngster as other, it is female. Preeto berates harak singh and censures him, curious regarding whether he was unable to stamp reasonably.

Rohan tells that they are drawing in a quick outcome of you. Heer says they are looking great and says she is unique as they are drawing in a quick outcome of her. Rohan requests that her stop them. Heer requests that they quit battling and says they will fill other structure. She says what to do by filling the structure. Shanno thinks she needs to do some other thing to uncover her reality.

Dada ji eats the sustenance and says he referenced it on the web. Virat analyzes Heer’s letter. Dadu tells that he got the receipt on the web and tells that no one could comprehend that it is phony. He asks what is written in the letter? Virat says when father keeps an eye on me, I have to concealing and when she asks me, I have an inclination that I will sit and answer her. Heer comes there through window and says you didn’t answer me. Virat and Dadu are stunned.

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