Shiv Shakti 28th August 2024 Episode Written Update (28/8/2024)

Shiv Shakti

Shiv Shakti 28th August 2024 Written Episode Update, Zee TV “Shiv Shakti “28

August 2024 Written Update” on TellyUpdates.Tv

Episode Name: Currently Not Available. Stay tuned With us..

Shiv Shakti Air Date: Shiv Shakti 28th August 2024

Full Written Update: Shiv Shakti 28/8/2024 Episode Start with..

In Kailash, Adi Shakti told Lord Shiv that her son was calling her. He said that maybe Jalandhar wanted to stop all this. Lord Shiv remembers Jalandhar and says he will fight him. He goes to Jalandhar with Adi Shakti. Vasuki and Chandra Dev greet them. Lord Shiv asks Jalandhar to open his eyes. Jalandhar opened his eyes and saw Lord Shiv. He remembers how Sagar Raj revealed the truth. Lord Shiv called Jalandhar his son. Jalandhar said that he stood on the sea and the contact with the sea was everything to him. He also says that today our relationship with the sea is different.

Vrinda comes there. Jalandhar says that the ocean is his mother but he does not feel the ocean’s motherhood today. Adi Shakti asks Jalandhar to accompany them to Kailash as their son. Jalandhar laughed. He told Lord Shiv that Adi Shakti misunderstood him. He says that Shiv Shakti knows about his duty and he is their son, so he will not change his decision. He tells them that tomorrow he will fight against Lord Shiv and he does not care about the outcome. Lord Shiv asked Jalandhar why the latter called him.

Jalandhar says he heard that Lord Shiv does not do anything unreasonable and Lord Shiv can solve any problem. But he says that Sagar Raj said that he will be called a sinner if he fights with Lord Shiv then. He told Lord Shiv that this universe should not call him a sinner. Lord Shiv told Jalandhar that this universe will not call him a sinner no matter what.

Jalandhar tells Lord Shiv that they will do it tomorrow in the battlefield. He asks Lord Shiv to come to the battlefield thinking that he will face the enemy, not his son. He says that he did not call Lord Shiv and Adi Shakti “maa” and “papa” because he did not want Lord Shiv to become a sinner. Lord Shiv gets emotional hearing this. Jalandhar requests Lord Shiv to take the trishul, Chandra dev and Vasuki if the latter wins. He laughed and told them to leave. He sits down to meditate.

Adi Shakti asked Lord Shiv to try again. Lord Shiv told him that the war will happen tomorrow. Adi Shakti told Lord Shiv that not to abandon children is the duty of parents. He is going to Jalandhar. But Vrinda stops Adi Shakti. She tells Adi Shakti that Jalandhar does not want her love. He said that Jalandhar is proud of his face like Lord Shiv. He asked Adi Shakti to leave the place. On his part, Narad asked Lord Narayan what would be the outcome of this war. Lord Narayan replied that he could not say.

Shiv Shakti 29th August 2024 Written Episode Update Precap:


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