Shubharambh 10th February 2020 Written Updates | Shubharambh Episodes Updates


Shubharambh 10th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Shubharambh 10-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Rani encourages Raja

Airing Date: 10 February 2020

Full Written Update: 10-February-2020 Shubharambh Episode Start with Rani denying to go on Moti Mummy’s saying. Moti Mumny grins when Rani gets a call from bank. She says that Raja’s bank papers are readied and Raja needs to sign it. She teaches Aasha of the comparable and goes to give the lunch.

Also Read: Shubharambh 7th Feb 2020 Episode Written Update

Aasha ridicules Moti Mummy. Hitank invites Rani who brought sustenance. Both of them enter the shop and gets paralyzed seeing all the upgrades stuffs lying on floor. Hitank shouts at Nattu Kaka for the tumult who says that Raja disappeared when he got over from out.

Hitank exhaust while Rani calls Raja yet he doesn’t pick uo the call. Hitank goes to go to customers while Rani keeps calling him. Lights in like manner goes off when Mota Papa comes there. Customers protesting about no light while Hitank assuaged them.

Hitank light up Mota Papa about Raja’s blunder. They see Raja under articles of clothing and gets shocked. Raja is resting a great deal to everyone’s shock. Hitank explodes at him as customers criticizes Raja for resting in the shop. Rani supports Raja when Hitank asks with respect to whether he’s flushed. Customers snitch about Raja and starts leaving.

Hitank is shouting when Rani sprinkles water everywhere. Raja stirs and gets paralyzed seeing the circumstance. Hitank decries Raja for napping in the shop while Mota daddy looks angrily.

Raja thinks about how he came there as he can’t survey anything. Hitank is going to lash out at him when customer calls him. He leaves while Raja says Mota Papa about how he’s uninformed in regards to what happened.

Mota Papa demands that he get back when bank singular comes to get Raja’s imprints. Rani demands that he come the next day and he leaves. Rani leaves with Raja. Rani condemns herself for not letting him rest properly. Raja is very at risk for whatever happened anyway Rani engages him. She says that everything will be filtered through soon.

Kirdida and Mota father are discussing over phone about their game plan. She mixed resting pills in his sustenance and Mota Papa covered him in sarees once he fell asleep. They are lively that they stopped him before he could accept any risk.

Hitank at home is crying ro family members about Raja napping shop.

Raja and Rani stands at risk while Aasha stands unprotected. Kirdida acts supporting Raja while Mota Papa censures him. He said him that he won’t exonerate bungles. He criticizes him with Raja’s father’s name. Hitank too condemns Raja for expecting such risk so recklessly. He asks Mota Papa to give him back his old work as he’s not prepared for taking obligations.

Aasha has a go at supporting yet Mota Papa shuts her. He agrees with Hitank and gets his commitment again from him. Raja looks down suspiciously while Rani gets staggered. Aasha scolds Raja for frustrating everyone. Raja is upset anyway Rani says that he in spite of everything has the night and solicitations that he improve medium-term and finish his commitment.

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