Sirf Tum 28 th June 2022 Written Episode Update

Sirf Tum

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By TellyExpert: “Sirf Tum 28 th June 2022 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name : Sirf Tum

Timings On TV: All times are in the 28 th June (Indian Standard Time)

Telecast Days: Monday To Saturday

Air Date: 28 th June 2022

Country: India


Today’s Content: Sirf Tum 28 th June 2022 Written Update Episode starts with Ansh saying he brought Honey for an explanation and she is neglecting to destroy Suhani and Ranveer’s bliss. Honey comes to him with a glass of milk and says she was seeing every one of the enormous rooms and the huge house. She has never seen every one of these. Ansh gets irritated and won’t drink the milk so she drinks it.

Ansh then, at that point, incites her idiom their room isn’t unreasonably large or wonderful yet Suhani and Ranveer’s room is superior to them. Since Honey is the Badi Bahu she has the right to get the most lovely and huge room here. Honey stubbornly says she then, at that point, needs that at this moment. She goes to call Ranveer and Suhani. Ansh behaves like halting her yet he gets blissful as a top priority that now Ranveer and Suhani’s most memorable night will be destroyed by Honey.

Ranveer removes Suhani’s gems and he opens her hair. He is going to get personal with her however they hear entryway thump sound. Honey comes in and sees the room and loves it from the get go. She hops on the bed and amazements Suhani and Ranveer. Ranveer lashes out at her and requests that she leave on the double.

Honey shares with Suhani that she is prettier than her and she is the Badi Bahu as well so she needs this room from her. She calls Ansh uproariously and requests the room right away. Ranveer advises Ansh to remove Honey. Ansh persuades her and leaves the room. Ranveer asks Suhani what was that precisely? Suhani begins giggling and he attempts to get her. They fall onto the bed and get heartfelt.

Unexpectedly a firework comes into their room and it impacts. Ranveer and Suhani get staggered to see that and Ranveer sees from the window that Honey is holding the wafers. He goes ground floor and calls Vikrant furiously. Vikrant gets out whatever sort of clamor was that? Ranveer says he ought to ask this to his unlawful child’s significant other. Why she has done that. Honey comes there and says she wants Ranveer’s room at this moment and she flew off the handle because of that. She gets fretful and Asha attempts to control her.

Ansh says Honey is sweet it’s simply that she runs wild some of the time when she requests something. Dadu advises Ansh to deal with Honey on the off chance that he knows about her condition. Ansh derides Ranveer saying now the last option can’t perceive exchanges as he carried Honey to inconvenience him. Ranveer needs to do everything according to Honey’s desire. Ranveer says Ansh is utilizing a lady to satisfy his intention. That is modest.

Ranveer and Suhani return to their room and Mamta comes there. Mamta says this is occurring a direct result of her as she tossed out Asha. Ranveer says she shouldn’t fault herself as it’s her home as it were. She says they can move to visitor space for this evening. She will tidy up this room. Suhani says this room is their little world now and they will begin over again from here.

Ranveer advises Mamta to fall asleep and he will tidy up their room with Suhani and will sentiment together. Suhani feels bashful. Asha neglects to control Honey and Ansh says he will deal with her. Ansh reprimands Honey and says on the off chance that she will do what she needs, he will leave her in that damnation in the future. Honey gets apprehensive and reviews how she was attached with chains before. She argues him not to take her there.

Ansh extorts her platitude then she needs to comply with him. Suhani and Ranveer clean their room together. Ranveer prods Suhani by tossing blossoms and petals at her. She additionally does likewise. Ranveer draws near to Suhani by pulling her nearby and eliminates petals from her hair and she gets anxious. She says they have forthcoming work. He says he is taking care of his business as it were.

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Sirf Tum 28 th June 2022 updates

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