Teri Meri Ikk Jindri 19th October 2021 Written Update

Teri Meri Ikk Jindri written updates

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By TellyExpert: “Teri Meri Ikk Jindri 19th October 2021 Written Episode Updates”

Tv Show Name: Teri Meri Ikk Jindri

Timings On TV: All times are in IST (Indian Standard Time)

Telecath Days: Morday To Friday

Air Date: 19, October, 2021

Country: India

Language: Hindi

Today’s Content: Teri Meri Ikk Jindri October 19th, 2021 Written Update Episode Start with Avnit says Jogi the media is here. Jogi says do we need to do this? She says OK you need to make PR. It’s significant for you. The media comes. They say prepared for meet? Jogi says OK. Come in. The journalist says your home is excellent. Do you rehearse here? Mahi says he can rehearse anyplace. In our more seasoned house, he would sing on the roof. I fell head over heels for his voice, then, at that point, his blamelessness and effortlessness. The columnist says Mahi, Jogi’s significant other. This meeting is deficient without you. Educate us regarding his preferences. Mahi brings the food and says Jogi can never deny this food. Mahi makes him eat. Jogi needs to eat in light of the camera. Jogi says come let me show you rest of the house. Mahi says at long last you ate food produced using my hands. Jogi shows his assortment to the correspondents. Arjun says could it help? Avnit says OK. He will contact the sky yet first he needs to leave the land. Jogi says bibi biji, this is media. He presents them. The correspondent says this tablea and cows.. Jogi says these are our own.. I mean they will move soon. The correspondent makes their effort. Mahi washes Mc21.

The correspondent asks Mahi for what reason would you say you are washing it? Mahi says this is my taxi. I’m Ambarsar’s first female driver and this is my Mc21. The journalist says would we be able to cover this? This Taxi with your better half.. Mahi expresses what’s up with that? Journalist says Jogi might not have any desire to show it. Mahi says you’re here to show his reality. For what reason do you want to conceal reality? The journalist says am I concealing reality? What’s more, this spouse of yours, would he say he is honest? Mahi expresses what are you saying? She says Jogi is faking to be tasteful. He got this load of costly things on lease? Mahi says shut up. The columnist says which rich and aware man makes his significant other drive a taxi? You folks are a liar. He’s not a star. Everything’s phony. they leave. Jogi says for what reason did you need to show them that you’re a cab driver? Mahi says since that is reality. Truth can’t be covered up. What will individuals say?Mahi says I can’t conceal my character due to individuals. I couldn’t care less with regards to individuals. Jogi says do you think often about me? Your significant other? What will individuals say when I become a star?

That my significant other drives a taxi. It will affront me. Mahi says currently you’ve an issue with taxi? He says OK. Jogi says you said you need to be my accomplice in this excursion right? Then, at that point, do it. From today, you will not drive taxi. Mahi says as a result of that journalist you will not allow me to drive my Mc21? He says OK. The entire world will chuckle at us. I don’t need that. Mahi says you realize driving is my obsession. Mc21 isn’t only a taxi. You brought it back for me. How could it be an affront now? Rupa says Jogi procures. For what reason do you have ride a taxi? Mahi says you’re saying that? Checking out you and Biji I had inspiration to be on my own feet. You conveyed milk in the entire city. It invigorated me. You used to regard and be glad for my taxi. Rupa reviews it. Mahi says currently you’re against a similar work? Mahi says you have changed. Or then again perhaps you never preferred me. That is the reason you generally remain with Avnit not me. Jogi says Mahi. What way is that to converse with bebe?

Have you failed to remember how to regard elderly folks? Mahi says I can’t slight her even in my fantasies. I’m simply reminding her how she has changed. My booking is here. I need to go. Jogi holds Mahi’s hand. Jogi says you will not go. Mahi says I am going. Leave my hand. Jogi says you will not. Biji says how low have you stooped? You can’t act this way with your DIL and spouse. Jogi says in case she’s not prepared to listen how would i be able to respond? Mahi says I will not on the grounds that I am not off-base. For your affection I can give your life yet can’t relinquish my self esteem for your pride. Jogi says to Biji perceive how she left? Is it true that she is still correct? Biji says OK she is. She hasn’t failed to remember her world with a couple of pennies. You are embarrassed about her work now? Would you get our tabela shut as well? Jogi says OK I would. We needn’t bother with it. Rupa says where will LSD go? Jogi says to Avnit’s daddy’s tabela. Biji says this tabela and we are here a direct result of LSD. We can’t fail to remember our personality. Jogi expresses what might be said about my character. All of you couldn’t care less with regards to me. Nobody tends to think about what I need to do or be. I’m tired of every one of you. He leaves. Avnit says to Arjun this was only the start. A great deal is left. I didn’t do this to make him tragic however for his future. I’m sorry Jogi.
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