Vidya 12th February 2020 Written Update | Vidya Episodes Updates


Vidya 12th February 2020 Written Episode Update, Colors Tv Show “Vidya 12-02-2020 Written Update” on TellyExpert.Com

Today Episode Title: Vidya Reveals The Truth

Airing Date: 12 February 2020

Full Written Update: 12-February-2020 Vidya Episode Start with Vidya coming to Vivek. The master goes. Vidya says I have seen that man’s foot exhausting and some time later I was coming to let you know, by then I have seen you assuming off to some position and came here. Nanku satisfies the pastor and needs that he award the school land for the shelter, by then the individuals will in like way support his party.

Also Read: Vidya 11th February 2020 Written Update

Vivek’s mum is stressed for her. Vidya says its wrong. Vivek says I expected to do this with the target that you get an opportunity to make some disturbance. She says at any rate hence isn’t right, you can’t cause them to have daze conviction. He says I can’t see you like this, I expected to do this for you.

She demands are you falling weak considering the route that from me, you are doing what you would have never done. He says since I can do anything for you, I love you a great deal, more than myself. She says this affection isn’t spot in the impossible occasion that you begin changing yourself for the thriving of I, its not right that I remain in your life. He pushes.

He asks how did our veneration come right now. She says I won’t strengthen lies. He requests that her state by what methodology will she uncover Nanku Singh, in what cutoff will she persuade the individuals. She says I haven’t the faintest thought, at any rate I won’t bolster you as of now. He asks didn’t you lie previously, did you dismiss it. She is lamented and says I remembered.

He feels sorry to communicate that. She says I lied once and didn’t wish to lie once more. He turns and sees her gone. He looks for after her and stops her. He says I didn’t plan to hurt you. She advances toward him to disregard her for quite a while. He says please get me. She goes. Vivek gets back. His mum asks where did you go, are you pushed. He says I had some beast work, I m thinking on the off chance that I have done unchangeable. She requests that he state. He tells everything. She centers.

Jagat gets back home and asks Nanku where were you. Nanku asks what occurred. Jagat says Bholenath had come. He tells everything. Nanku gets stunned and asks what gab is that, how can Shiv ji come. Jagat says I don’t have the foggiest idea, I don’t comprehend. Nanku says on the off chance that Vidya shows this is apparently blocked conviction, by then whole game will end. Jagat asks what evidence does she have.

Nanku says basically ask that she doesn’t show it. Its morning, Vidya is in the town. The individuals think she is regarded. Maa says nearby individuals don’t have the foggiest idea with respect to Vivek’s show, come. They see the men giving the news bytes to the media. The author says this occurred in the school in Devgarh, Shiv ji has seemed to help Vidya. Vivek and his mum weight. They see Vidya on the news channel. Vivek’s mum switches off the TV. Vivek says I will manage everything, don’t watch this, don’t pressure. He leaves. She plays the TV again and watches the news.

Vidya goes to the school and meets Guru ji and Nanku. Vivek lands there. Expert ji requests that her state what she needs to state. They get masterminded. Vidya says you have seen something occurring, do they recognize its real. The individuals state without a doubt, we have seen Shiv. Vidya sees Vivek. Expert ji says he had come so we have given you a possibility. She says exceptional occasions aren’t kept an eye on, you thought Shankar ji had come, in any case this is apparently incapacitated conviction, our predecessors have given us things and we never tended to it, we needn’t waste time with the youths to think everything carelessly, that is the clarification I need to communicate that planning is extremely insidious soul, I recognize that duty is most noticeable quality, all of you are having blind conviction.

Vivek says calm. Vidya says you have seen somebody around evening time, he wasn’t Shankar Lord, at any rate a talented laborer. They get stunned.

The man asks by what methodology would this have the choice to occur. Nanku grins and thinks I required this, Vidya ji. Expert ji detonates. She is lamented and says sorry to bring these lines, I expected to clarify all of you.

Also Read: Vidya 10th February 2020 Written Update


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