Yeh Hai Chahatein 12th December 2020 Episode Written Update


Yeh Hai Chahatein 12th December 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Hai Chahatein 12 December 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 12th December, 2020

December 12, 2020 : Yeh Hai Chahatein Today Episode Start with Preesha with Balraj and Sharda look through Rudra in his room and not discovering him says she ought to have educated them the previous evening itself. Sharda asks not to stress as he should be somewhere near. Preesha says even Saransh is missing. She checks Rudra’s identification and not discovering it says he has certainly taken Saransh to air terminal and will fly him away some place, if Mahima gets some answers concerning it, she will record capturing argument against Rudra and get him captured. Balraj calls police chief and clarifies him the circumstance. Magistrate requests that he stop Saransh not too far off.

Balraj says Rudra as of now is headed to air terminal and solicitations magistrate to stop there and not let new break in media. Rudra takes Saransh to air terminal and illuminates that they are going on an excursion to London. Saransh celebrates and trusts Preesha mamma would have went with them. Balraj drives vehicle with Sharda and Preesha towards air terminal. Mahima checks Rudra’s online media record and frenzies seeing a label that he is going on a get-away with Saransh, figures how might he go during legal dispute. She calls Preesha and asks in what manner would rudra be able to take Saransh along and where is he going. Preesha illuminates that he is taking Saransh abroad. Mahima hollers how might he do that and how might she let him go. Preesha says she will address him and attempt to stop him.

Mahima cautions that she will record grabbing body of evidence against Rudra. She calls legal counselor and requests that he get her court hearing today itself as she needs her child today and she will record hijacking argument against Rudra. Balraj says Rudra’s aim is correct, however he will be caught in criminal case. Rudra with Saransh holds up in air terminal longue and when flight loading up declaration is made he heads towards door when police stops him and says he needs to go with them to Khurana house. Rudra says he needs to load up flight. Reviewer says he got magistrate’s requests. Rudra thinks Preesha educated father and dad educated official. Reviewer cautions him that they will utilize power in the event that he disagrees. Rudra strolls with them. Investigator requests that constables drop Saransh to Khurana House and Rudra to police headquarters.

Preesha with Balraj and Sharda arrives at air terminal and discovers Saransh with constables. Saransh demands her to prevent police from taking Rudra along. Balraj requests that overseer leave Rudra as he previously addressed magistrate and there is no wrongdoing included. Investigator gets a call and says wrongdoing previously occurred, Mahima Srinivasan has documented her child’s grabbing body of evidence against Rudra. Preesha says she will address akka. Rudra says no requirement for that as he needn’t bother with her akka’s top choice and leaves with police. Balraj gets a call and educates Preesha that Mahima preponed court hearing to the present time and they need to arrive at court soon. He sends Saransh home with Sharda and arrives at court with Preesha.

Court hearing beginnings. Mahima’s legal advisor contends that Rudra attempted to seize Saransh, so Saransh is dangerous with Khuranas and should be given over to his mom. Rudra’s attorney contends that Mahima is intellectually sick, yet Mahima’s legal counselor says he previously presented specialist’s report that Mahima is intellectually fit at this point. Contention proceeds. Rudra’s legal counselor demands judge to call Saransh, he is certain Saransh might want to remain with Rudra and Preesha. Mahima’s legal advisor says a 7 year old kid can undoubtedly be controlled, so his proof can’t be thought of.

Judge articulates judgment that it is demonstrated that Saransh is hazardous in Khurana House, it is additionally demonstrated that Mahima was intellectually sick, yet according to report she is intellectually fit presently, subsequently court gives her Saransh’s authority for a half year on a preliminary premise and will select a group to assess her and on the off chance that they discover any inconsistency, her guardianship will be dropped and on the off chance that she deals with Saransh well with no issues, she will be given care for all time and she can document a criminal case on the off chance that she discovers anybody somebody is attempting to hurt her. Balraj and Preesha stand stunned while Mahima expresses gratitude toward her legal advisor.

Preesha asks her for what reason did she do this when Rudra encouraged her to such an extent. Mahima says this is the way Rudra helped, he attempted to seize her child and she won’t extra him for that. Balraj leaves to his vehicle. Rudra strolls to him and inquires as to whether they got Saransh’s authority. Balraj advises that court gave Saransh’s care to Mahima for a half year on a preliminary premise. Rudra frenzies and says no one can remove Saransh from him. Balraj stops him and says judge has just articulated judgment. Preesha strolls towards Rudra.

In Progress….


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