Yeh Hai Chahatein 28th November 2020 Episode Written Update


Yeh Hai Chahatein 28th November 2020 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Hai Chahatein 28 November 2020 Written Update: in progress

Air Date : 28th November, 2020

November 28, 2020 : Yeh Hai Chahatein Today Episode Start with Saransh defies Mahima that she intentionally rested on his bed and is simply acting. He races to his room where Rudra and Preesha and resting. Rudra and Preesha awaken quickly humiliated. Saransh inquires as to for what reason did they let him with counterfeit mummy and came here, he would not like to disappear from that point. Rudra and Preesha spoil him. Mahima strolls in and at taking a gander at them. Preesha sees her and requests to come in.

Mahima says she would not like to separate 3 of them. Preesha says its alright. Mahima says she didn’t have the foggiest idea when she went to Rudra’s room and dozed close to Saransh unconscoiusly. Preesha state its alright as she probably gone unwittingly as she adores Saransh. Mahima leaves. Preesha discloses to Rudra that akka is intellectually upset. Rudra says they will take her to a decent therapist. GPS reveals to Vasu that he doesn’t care for Mahima remaining at Khurana House seeing Balraj and his family’s mischief. Vasu says Preesha is there to deal with Mahima, he is stressed pointlessly.

GPS says he is stressed over Preesha and not Mahima as Preesha may need to endure a great deal there. Vasu says he is concerned for Preesha and not Mahima, she languished over 7 years and returned now, doesn’t he need to see Mahima upbeat. GPS says he needs Mahima to be upbeat, yet not on Preesha’s stake. Vasu yells he is concerned for just Preesha and not Mahima. He says is he is fixated on Mahima. She says he is fixated on Preesha.

GPS says he doesn’t need any tempest in Preesha’s life in view of Mahima. Rudra prepares for class and asks Preesha to support him. Saransh additionally strolls in and asks Preesha to brush his hair. Mahima strolls in. Preesha requests that her brush Saransh’s hair and goes to tie Rudra’s shoe trim. Mahima brushes Saransh’s hair. Preesha takes a gander at them and ties wrong trim. Rudra reminds her. After at some point, Preesha approaches Mahima to prepare for a specialist visit. Mahima attempts to open her bag to get her garments, yet fails to remember code. Preesha requests that her wear her garments and gives one.

They arrive at therapist office where Yuvraj is now present. Preesha blows up and reprimands hm. He as normal jabbers and leaves. Specialists leaves and educates Preesha that as she said Mahima is experiencing sadness and does things subliminally. Preesha says Mahima is doing precisely same. Specialist says this can be hazardous, so he will keep in touch with certain prescriptions which shouldn’t be skipped. Preesha gets back with Mahim and sees Saransh playing computer game. She brings vivid plays and says lets have a good time action. Saransh joins her. Preesha asks Mahima to join and make paper boat.

Mahima can’t make paper boat. Preesha asks Saransh to support her. Saransh instructs Mahima. Mahima gets glad. They make boats coast in water and play with water. Rudra completes his schoolwork and goes to mind Preesha and Saransh. GPS strolls in to Khurana house. Ahana inquires as to for what reason did he come. He says to meet his little girls. She insults that his relatives accompany their sacks, he can proceed to look through her girls up.

Rudra strolls to Preesha’s room and thinking Mahima as Preesha embraces her from behind saying he completed schoolwork and its time for sentiment. Mahima drives her away and turns. Rudra gets humiliated seeing her and says he thought she is Preesha. Mahima says her bag lock wasn’t opening, so Preesha gave her dress. Rudra apologizes and turns. The two of them are stunned see GPS. Rudra leaves quietly. GPS discloses to Mahima that there would be errors later on additionally, so she should get back with her. Mahima says it occurred as she wore Preesha’s garments and at any rate she would not like to remain here.

Preesha strolls in, and GPS says he needs to take Mahima home. Preesha says he ought to ask what Mahima needs, she feels great here. GPS says a visitor searches useful for 2-3 days and not more. Mahima says appa is correct, she will go. Preesha demands her to remain back, and Mahima concurs. Around evening time, Mahima gets flashback of playing with Saransh, Saransh notice her that she isn’t his mamma and to not draw close to him. She subliminally moves up from rest and leaves. Preesha goes to Rudra’s room and sees him and Saransh resting. She recollects that she did didn’t offer medication to Mahima and strolls to her room, gets strained not discovering her reasoning on the off chance that she went out once more.

In Progress….


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