Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 15th February 2021 Written Update

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai

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Written Update By TellyExpert: Tv Serial Episode “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 15th February 2021 Written Update”

Tv Show Name: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai

Live Streaming Timings On TV: All times are in IST (India Standard Time)

Live Telecast Days: Monday To Friday

Ongoing Air Date: 15, February, 2021

Country: India

Language: HINDI

February 15, 2021: Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai Today Episode Start withHe sees Kairav making Sirat’s sketch. He says you are in Kairav’s heart however Sirat is in his eyes, how might I advise you, that you are an inclination, you are our past, present and future, tomorrow is a Kaira day, Kairav should simply recall you, not Sirat, simply your affection, I need to accomplish something. Sirat says mum is demon, on the off chance that she isn’t there, life doesn’t stop, we have different relations, I have you and Kairav has his father. Rohan jokes that Sirat will give pravachan in the event that she fizzles in boxing. Sirat inquires as to is there any good reason why i won’t win, my punch… Nani says sarpanch is likewise terrified of your punch, be resolved. Sirat says I m resolved to win, I will return.

Nani says stay there, tomorrow is the day of your triumph and birth. Sirat reviews her adolescence. She inquires as to for what reason did you remind me the birthday, it is anything but a day of joy, Sheela didn’t get upbeat, did you fail to remember it. Nani says no. Sirat inquires as to why not, you had saved my life, I would prefer not to celebrate. Nani says we will praise it when you come here. Sirat says you all observe, I will not gathering. He says we will choose later. Nani says perhaps its last gathering of my year. Sirat cries.Kartik says indeed, party, I need to observe Naira and my wedding commemoration. Everybody gets stunned. Kartik says Naira and I generally did things any other way. Dadi says there is a contrast among various and abnormal. He clarifies them. The family looks on. He says its a major day of our life, we got hitched, we had vowed to remain together, what’s our mix-up if Lord isolated us, lets commend it for the wellbeing of Kairav in any event, its devil to keep Naira’s recollections alive in his heart. Sirat thinks I need to clarify Kairav that I m not Naira, I shouldn’t meet him. Rhea says Kartik is correct, reveal to me how to commend, we don’t think about the day preceding considering Lord, for what reason to think when we miss relative. Gayu, Lav and Kush likewise uphold Kartik. Sirat plunges her head in the water tub.

She thinks tomorrow, I need to dominate the boxing game and never venture back, I m Sirat, nor anybody’s girl nor mother. Kartik figures we will praise commemoration, we will wish Naira. Manish gets some information about Kartik’s words about Sirat, advise me, what’s going on did I do, clarify me. Dadi stresses. Manish says Kartik can’t eliminate Naira’s recollections from heart, Kairav thinks Sirat is his mum. Dadi says I couldn’t say whether there is any sign that Naira and Sirat got a similar face. He asks what do you mean. She says I can’t communicate it. Rohan and Nani wish Sirat. She cuts a cake. Kartik plays Naira and her recordings on screen. He makes a smiley on Naira. He wishes her glad commemoration. Yeh rishta… .plays… . Nani requests that Sirat grin like she wears her boxing mouthpiece. Sirat grins. Kartik grins seeing Naira on the screen.

Kairav gets the gathering welcome. He grins and says we will praise the commemoration. He peruses the setting, Udaipur imperial club. Kartik gets party garments for him. Kairav embraces him and says its your commemoration, mumma will come today, much obliged, it will be entertaining. Kartik figures you won’t ever miss Sirat from now, our ways crossed accidentally, we need to keep Naira’s recollections alive, it will be only our day, Sirat will not be identified with it. Sirat comes to Udaipur boxing club for her fight. She reviews Sheela. She says what’s the need to commend birthday, I simply need to zero in on my battle. Rohan says we got the passage pass, come. Sirat goes. Everybody is prepared. Rhea says all the plans are done like you needed, you are brilliant, Naira was fortunate, my better half didn’t recall my commemoration date, any way I figure the day will be astonishing. He says thanks to her. Kairav asks did you call mumma, will she please her own. Kartik says no, its an astonishment.

Gayu says Naira loves shocks. Kairav shows the weaved boxing logo on a handkerchief. He asks will mumma like it. Sirat has Kairav’s handkerchief in her grasp. Kairav says in the event that she loves this hanky, I will make shirts and covers for her. He asks Rhea aunt, did you enlighten everybody concerning the gathering setting. She says yes. Red inflatables come over Sirat. Rohan says the universe needs to commend your birthday. Sirat says its a tragic day for me. She eliminates the inflatables. She doesn’t see Kartik and Naira’s standard there. Kartik says I figure we should leave now. They leave. Sirat goes to make a wish. She reviews a note and puts there. Kartik is in transit. He says Kairav looks ordinary after numerous days.

Dadi says I need to meet that young lady. He asks who. Dadi says one who went to our home, one you both idea as Naira, what’s her name. Rohan says we got this dress as expected, prevail upon internal clash first and afterward this outside battle. Sirat prepares for her bout. She reviews her youth second. Sheela was going to toss the infant, yet Nani takes the infant. Sheela forsakes the child. Sirat envisions Kairav embracing her and Kartik taking a gander at her from far. Her creative mind closes. The match declaration is frantic. She thinks I have some association with that kid, we both do not have our moms. She cries.In Progress…

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, 15th, February 2021 Written Update, TV Serial Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, 15 February 2021 Written Update: in progress

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Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 15/2/2021

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